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Dishing out the latest and greatest in food news
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Today’s first course?
As a result of allegations by government officials that the specialty grocery store violated the Clean Air Act, Trader Joe’s has reached an expensive settlement with the EPA. The EPA details, “Under the settlement, Trader Joe’s will spend an estimated $2 million over the next three years to reduce coolant leaks from refrigerators and other equipment and improve company-wide compliance. The company will also pay a $500,000 civil penalty.” It was alleged that Trader Joe’s did not promptly repair leaky refrigerators and lacked sufficient servicing and compliance records, therefore stores were emitting R-22, “a potent greenhouse gas with 1,800 times more global warming potential than carbon dioxide.”
The belief that cranberry juice can relieve symptoms of urinary tract infection or lessen its occurrence, as we have told you before, is a popular home-remedy myth, but studies attempting to verify its effects have produced mixed results. Now, however, scientists have done a new comprehensive study on the subject, testing patients who drank cranberry juice against those who were given a placebo, a juice which looked and tasted the same but did not contain the supposedly beneficial nutrients of cranberry juice. The results were staggering: there was a 39 percent reduction in clinical UTI episodes among the cranberry juice-drinkers. It should be noted, though, that two of the researchers on the team were employees of Ocean Spray, the best-known brand of cranberry juice, and that Ocean Spray provided funding for the study.
Barnes and Noble seems to have taken a page out of Urban Outfitters’ book, revealing plans to incorporate a full-service restaurant into its store model. The store revamp reflects both a desire and necessity to set it apart from online retailers (cough, Amazon) by not only giving customers an excuse to stay in the store longer, but to create a tangible experience that is not possible via online shopping. The company is testing the new concept in four pilot stores, located in Eastchester, New York; Edina, Minnesota; Folsom, California; and Loudoun County, Virginia.
That’s today’s daily dish, stop by tomorrow for another helping.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.
100+ Healthy Dinner Ideas That'll Keep You Full Long After You Eat
A light and healthy recipe doesn't have to be boring.
Coming up with exciting, delicious dinners for your family can feel overwhelming, especially if you're trying to eat a healthy, well-balanced meal. In fact, finding the time, effort, and energy to create healthy meals that your kids will actually eat can feel downright impossible. But even the pickiest of eaters will love these healthy dinners, so before you know it the following light, easy recipes will be part of dinner rotation with no complaints.
From different types of pizzas, to tacos, to all of the kebobs they could possibly want, these recipes prove that healthy dinners don't have to be boring. "The components of a 'healthy' meal, whether breakfast, lunch, or dinner, are like the legs of a stool &mdash they all need to work together to give us strength and balance," Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, creator of BetterThanDieting.com, author of Read It Before You Eat It &mdash Taking You from Label to Table, tells Woman's Day. "My recommendation for a meal trifecta is a combo of lean protein, whole grain carbohydrates, and healthy fats." Following Taub-Dix's trifecta allows you and your family to feel full and satisfied after eating, without relying on large portions or restrictive dieting. "As an example, a healthy plate for lunch or dinner should contain a protein like seafood, poultry, eggs, or beans a side of veggies or salad, and a whole grain like bread, farro, brown rice, or pasta," she says. "Adding fruit to your salad boosts this meal even further."
With over 100 light yet filling dinner recipes, you'll never substitute flavor for substance again. Packed with tasty, good-for-you ingredients, these recipes won't have your family scrounging the kitchen for after-dinner snacks, and there's enough variety to keep them interested every night.