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Plum compote

Plum compote

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Servings: 12

Preparation time: less than 120 minutes


First we prepare the syrup. We will mix the sugar with water until it dissolves completely. We will put 5-10 plums in a jar, depending on its size. We will put the syrup in jars (the syrup must not exceed the mouth of the jar). Put the jars in a pot, fill it with water and boil the compote for about an hour. After the plums change color and the peel comes off them, we can take the compote off the heat. Remove the jars from the pot and leave them to cool.

Sweet breakfast (5 simple ideas, recipes)

Sweet Breakfast with Calender from AlexStar
Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. Any jar you have in the pantry with fruit preserved in their time, when they were better ripened, is good for the 5 simple, good and sweet recipes that we recommend below.

Spreads with jam and tea
Keep your child active with a breakfast you loved in your grandparents' house. According to our grandparents' recipes, we prepare Călindar jams, from fruits picked when they are well ripened.
Try Călindar jam in blackcurrant, raspberry and half plum varieties, available in Mega Image and Penny Market stores.

Raspberry and banana cake
The best time of day for sweets is in the morning! You enjoy extra energy and you have time all day to consume the calories of happiness.

See AlexStar's recipe for Raspberry and Banana Cake

Peach smoothie
Liquid, delicious and nutritious breakfast. What do you want more? This gives you a reason to get out of bed quickly!
You have to try, here's the recipe!

Rice with milk and raspberry jam
Since when have you not eaten rice with milk and sour raspberry jam? It will give you a smile to wear all day!

Peach pilaf
A reinterpreted classic recipe, which you can prepare in the evening in a larger bowl and leave to cool in individual bowls. This way you will have a syrupy and fragrant breakfast in the morning.

Boil the round grain rice with three times its volume of water. We use a jar of compote for 200g of rice and 600ml of water, respectively. Bring the rice to a boil with a nutmeg and a cinnamon tip. If you prepare a larger quantity, it tastes even better if you use cinnamon bark or nutmeg instead of powder. You can also add a few peppercorns. When the rice grains have swelled, add the liquid from a jar of AlexStar peach compote and continue to stir until it absorbs the amount of sweet liquid in which the well-ripened fruits have been in their time. Slice the peaches from the compote and decorate each bowl with them. Cover with cling film and leave in a safe place until morning.

Ingredients for whole plum compote

From the ingredients below you will get a jar of 800 ml of whole plum compote, for a quantity of about 600 g of plums. We suggest you opt for smaller plums, so that they can fit as many as possible, without too many empty spaces inside the jar. Here's what you need for this compote:

  • 600 g whole plums
  • 60 g of sugar
  • A bar of cinnamon or cinnamon powder
  • 450 ml of water

Choose large, healthy, but not soft, fruits, wash them and put them in the prepared jars or bottles (leave a distance between the fruit and the edge of the jar of about 2 cm). Pour the prepared syrup over the fruit by dissolving the sugar in water and adding cinnamon. The jars filled with fruit and syrup are sealed with lids, then sterilized for 15 minutes. After cooling, the bottles or jars are wiped and stored.

Tips & Warnings This compote can be prepared from both peeled plums and uncooked plums. In the same way, prepare the compote from the plums (green-yellow). Both the plums and the rows (which have larger dimensions) are pricked by the skin with a needle in 4-5 places, so as not to burst at sterilization.

The compote can be served a few days after preparation.

The tastiest canned plums for the winter. Discover 3 delicious recipes that will make your life sweeter!

Plums are very tasty and delicious fruits that help us keep both our body and mind healthy. These fruits are an important source of vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and fiber. They strengthen the immune system and detoxify the body. Now we can fully enjoy them, and for the winter we recommend you to preserve them, preparing various aromatic delicacies, which keep the taste of the fruit. We offer you 3 delicious plum recipes that will make your life sweeter and more fragrant. Do not hesitate to prepare them and delight your loved ones with natural goodies!

1. Plum jelly for winter



1. Wash the plums under a stream of water and dry them a little.

2. Divide each plum in half, remove the seeds and cut it into 4 parts.

3. Put the plums in a saucepan, squeeze the lemon juice and add it to the plums. Stir.

4. Bring the plums to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

5. Add the sugar and pectin, mix and simmer for about 2 minutes until the sugar has melted.

6. Remove the foam and remove the pan from the heat.

7. Pour the jelly into sterilized jars and staple.

8. Sterilize the jars: put the hot jars in boiling water for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and let them sit in the water for 5 minutes.

9. Remove the jars from the water, wipe them with a towel and let them cool.

2. Plum compote for winter.



1. Wash the plums and remove the stalks.

2. Remove the seeds with a pencil and place the plums in clean 3 l jars. Plums should take up less than half the volume of the jars.

3. Pour boiling water into jars to cover the plums and let stand for 15 minutes.

4. Drain the water in the saucepan, bring to a boil and sprinkle with sugar.

5. Boil the syrup for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves.

6. Pour the syrup into jars and add more boiling water, if they are not filled.

7. Cover the jars with lids and let them sit for 10 minutes.

8. Drain the compote in the pan (without plums), boil it and pour it into jars. Staple the jars.

9. Turn the jars upside down, cover them with a duvet and let them cool completely.

3. Plum paste



1. Wash the plums and remove the seeds.

2. Place the plums on a tray with the cut side up and bake in the preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

3. Remove the plums from the oven and allow them to cool.

4. Chop the plums with a blender until smooth. Add the sugar and mix again.

5. Line the tray with baking paper and pour the plum mass into a 5 mm thick layer. If the table does not fit in a tray, then you can pour it into 2 or 3 trays.

6. You can dry the pasta in the sun for 3 days or in the preheated oven at 70 degrees for 6-8 hours.

7. Cut the hardened paste into strips and roll them into rolls. Enjoy them with pleasure.

Plums are a useful and tasty product that improves the functioning of the body's digestive system and positively affects the intestinal microflora. Therefore, there are many recipes for different dishes and drinks, with the addition of this dried fruit, which can be easily prepared at home.

Before you start cooking plum compote for the winter, it is necessary to study all the recommendations of experienced chefs:

  1. Before closing, be sure to sterilize the jars. For this reason, the drink will last more than one winter.
  2. It is necessary to treat the selection of fruit with special care, all specimens with lesions must be removed.
  3. Sugar-free compote will be stored much longer than with it. Therefore, in the cooking process you must strictly observe the proportion.
  4. It is best to start using spin after 3-4 months of preparation. This time is enough to fill with taste and aroma.
  5. Because winter compote is high in calories, you should not drink too much and it will be very difficult to do so. If the drink seemed too late after opening, you can dilute it with water.

Knowing all the nuances of the cooking process, you can get an interesting and useful drink that will appeal to all relatives and friends.

Simple recipe pear compote

The first time we cut the pears, it is ideal not to be very ripe. For compote it is ideal to have stronger fruits.

Place the pear slices in jars.

In each jar we put a spoonful of sugar. I don't want the compote to be very sweet, if you want it to be sweeter, you can double the amount of sugar.

You can also use sweetener instead of sugar (saccharin, fructose, stevia).

We put a piece of anise in each jar, so that it is not very fragrant.

Fill the jars with water.

We will use sterilized lids and jars beforehand. We put the lids on, we tighten very well.

We go to the bain-marie, we boil them for 15 minutes, from the moment the water boils.

Let the jars cool, cover them with beds, so that we are sure that they will seal well. It is ideal to leave them overnight.

The next day we check that all the lids of the pear behavior jars are sealed, then we wipe them, label them and put them in the pantry.

The pear compote is delicious, fragrant, an oasis of flavor and aroma. I recommend you to try the apple compote recipe, but also the quince compote recipe. They are at least as and as easy to prepare. & # 128578

Below you can watch the video recipe:

I invite you to try this recipe and tell me how it turned out. Good appetite!

Plum compote

This plum compote, which reminds us of childhood, can be served with all kinds of cakes, over ice cream or plain. It is easy to prepare, you only need a few ingredients, available anywhere, especially during the fall. You will need about half an hour.

You can prepare a larger amount than the recipe below, if you want to preserve a few jars of plum compote for the winter. Compote juice can also be used as a healthier alternative to the juices you find at the supermarket. Here's how to make plum compote in your own kitchen without too much hassle!

Ingredients for plum compote:

300 milliliters of water
150 grams of granulated sugar
500 grams of ripe plums
1 cinnamon stick
1-2 stars of anise

3 steps to prepare plum compote:

1. Wash the plums well, under a stream of cold water, then drain. Cut into quarters, removing the pips. Be careful not to be hit or spoiled, as it will compromise the taste of the whole dish.

2. Boil water in a pot with the sugar. It is recommended not to use an aluminum pot, as it can react with the acidity of plums. When the water starts to boil, stir to dissolve the sugar well and add the plums, cinnamon sticks and aniseed stars.

3. Boil the compote over low heat, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, for about 20 minutes or until the fruit softens and begins to decompose. Turn off the heat and allow to cool. Leave in the fridge for an hour or more and serve.

If you want, you can replace the cinnamon stick and anise with a vanilla stick.

Preservation of compotes

Preservation of compotes, this is one of the main types of dishes for every housewife, because everyone is delighted to drink a delicious natural aromatic homemade drink in the icy winter season. Therefore, I bring to your attention a few simple recipes for such semi-finished products.

1. Preservation of compotes - plum compote.

Necessary ingredients: large plums - 1 kilogram, sugar - 400 grams, water - 1 liter.

ripe plum fruits should be washed well, dried, then cut into 2 parts and removed. Fill the jars with plum halves and pour over the prepared hot sugar syrup, cover and sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees, in the same way as apple and pear compote, cans with a capacity of 1 liter - 15-18 minutes, 3 liters - 25-28 minutes. Then roll the lids.

2. Preservation of compotes - apple and cherry compote.

Necessary ingredients: apples - 1 kilogram, cherries - 200 grams, sugar - 400 grams, water - 1 liter.

Wash the apples, cut them into slices, after removing the hard core and lower them for a few minutes in boiling water, then in cold water. The cherries are only washed well. Then put the fruit in a jar and pour over the prepared hot syrup. Then cover with lids and sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees - liter jars - 15-18 minutes, 3-liter jars -25-28 minutes. Then roll over. Store a compote like any assorted cooking compote for the winter need in a cool place.

Video: How to make Plum Compote. Abel u0026 Cole (February 2025).