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Pancakes with melon in the composition

Pancakes with melon in the composition

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Melt the watermelon, wipe it with a paper napkin, cut and remove the seeds, then peel it. It is cut into large pieces and passed through the grater from the food processor.

Beat the eggs with the salt powder, then with the sugar. Add sour cream, soft butter and vanilla essence and mix. Incorporate the flour, then add the melon and mix slowly with a spoon.

Grease a pan with oil, put it on the fire, let it heat up, then pour a polish from the dough and bake on both sides. Continue like this until the dough is finished.

Watermelon diet. Visible effect in just one week!

The diet involves five days and promises to get rid of about five unwanted pounds! It is ideal for summer, because this type of melon is also a cool dessert. Foods such as chicken, fish, rice, mushrooms, yogurt, eggs, cottage cheese or green beans are allowed during the diet.

However, during your diet, you should consume as much water as possible. Unsweetened teas, natural juices or sugar-free coffee are allowed. Watermelon is a good source of fiber, protein, but also essential fatty acids such as Omega-3.

Food plan - day 1
Breakfast - 1-2 slices of melon, 100 g of low-fat fresh cheese and a cup of sugar-free coffee. Lunch - 50 g of low-fat cheese. Dinner - You can choose between the breakfast menu or an omelet with two eggs and 50 grams of low-fat cheese. For dessert, choose a melon. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat more melon.

Food plan - day 2
Breakfast - 20 g of cottage cheese with a slice of toast and half a melon. Lunch - lettuce with a boiled chicken leg and a slice of melon. Dinner - grilled pumpkin and melon in any quantity.

Food plan - day 3
Breakfast - a cup of milk with 30 g of oatmeal and a slice of melon. Lunch - two tomatoes stuffed with rice, next to a boiled chicken breast. Dinner - a large vegetable salad and a slice of melon.

Recipes with dried raw ham

I say kind, because they were slices of raw-dried ham produced by another company and packed wholeheartedly, in bags, not on plastic trays (I found them in Kaufland). But the taste was very good and the slices went great with my trout. If you prefer and you have the financial possibility, you can replace them with some slices of prosciutto with crispy strips of raw-dried ham, and everything comes bathed in Brussels 700 g butter 20 g raw-dried ham 125 g orange 1 pc. sour cream and fry the raw-dried ham, broken into strips. When the ham. Recipes with goulash Recipes with asparagus Salted pastry, savory, pies Homemade dairy Sauces Fish and seafood Miscellaneous. Fasting recipes. Fasting recipes Fasting sweets Recipes for Slow cooker Asian recipes Drinks Diet Rina Gluten free Overnight Oats Holiday recipes. No changes, no breezes. This category also includes Prosciutto e Melone or, more in Romanian, raw-dried ham with melon. I prepared this famous appetizer at the end of the week and I thought I would show you what came out. Not for the recipe itself because, let's be serious, the great recipe is to put prosciutto. Ham croquettes. Finely chop the ham. Being a raw-dried ham, it can be stronger, so it is important to cut it finely. I put half of it on the large grater, and I chopped the rest with a knife. You can also grind ham in the robot, especially if you prepare a larger quantity

Beat eggs with greens (tarragon and parsley) a tablespoon of soft butter, add salt to taste and a teaspoon of water. Heat a pan and melt the other tablespoon of butter in it. Put the butter composition in the pan and turn it over the fire for

20 seconds, until the omelet starts to set. Sprinkle diced ham and grated cheese Mozzarella and ham pie - A snack, a lunch, a dinner and especially a perfect package for school or office! Luca is very happy every time we prepare the recipe for Pie with mozzarella and ham and he is happy when he finds it in the school package instead of a sandwich. It is very easy to customize the filling according to everyone's tastes. I made this bread stuffed with ham some time ago, using a homemade bread dough. We liked it very much and that is why we have now repeated the experience using the dough of unbreaded bread. I served the bread with a bean soup, prepared on the juice in which he boiled the smoked ciolan - the recipe here. This time the ciolan was not in the plate but directly in the slices of bread a pure madness to eat sausages and beans in the morning, but I grilled or fried in oil), sausages (normal or bloody), 4-serving meat instead of 2). Ingredients (for 2 servings): eggs 4 pcs. raw-dried bacon 8 slices (110 g) spicy sausages 8 pcs. (90 g) tomatoes with tail 8 pcs. small (35 g) garlic 2 cloves dried thyme 1 teaspoon grated bay leaf 1 pasta sheet ..

Raw-dried gourmet ham

  • ham 100 g dried onion 1 oil 2 tablespoons eggs 2 sour cream 50 ml green onion 1 pinch salt salt Preparation. The mushrooms are cleaned, washed well and cut into small slices. Peel an onion and chop finely. Cut the ham into cubes. Wash green onions, absorb water with a napkin and cut into thin slices
  • Donuts with ham are served hot, sprinkled with the remaining grated cheese and sour cream. The recipe and the pictures belong to Maria Pintean, collaborator of the blog Pofta buena, recipes with Gina Bradea. Maria is living proof that a young woman can not only be beautiful and smart fire, but also cook very well.
  • Recipe Dried Bean Soup with Smoked Ribs from Cookbook, Borscht, soups, broths. Specific Romania. How to make Dried Bean Soup with Smoked Ribs
  • INGREDIENTS: -a piece of pork neck 2-2.5 kg (deboned) -about 1 kg of coarse salt, never. For the marinade (2-2.5 kg of meat): -a liter of 9% table vinegar or apple cider vinegar -3 teaspoons of coarse, unsalted salt -a teaspoon with tip of ground black pepper (or mixture of ground peppers) -a teaspoon with top of paprika -5-10.

Raw - Recipes-Tasty

Tagliatelle with dried ham from: onion, olive oil, dried raw ham, peeled tomatoes, bay leaf, salt, pepper, hot pepper, garlic, tagliatelle, basil, dried tomatoes. Ingredients: 100 g onion 50 ml olive oil 100 g dried raw ham 250 g peeled tomatoes bay leaf salt pepper 1 hot pepper 1 puppy of [Recipe ham and cheese rolls from the categories Dough and Puff Pastry, Appetizers. How to make Rolls with ham and cheese Culinary trends, interviews, delicious recipes. All the news that delight a foodie, from blogs, Facebook, Instagram and other yummy places. dry / wet vacuum, pulse function - 150 lei. 1049. Tagliatelle with dried ham from: onion, olive oil, dried raw ham, peeled tomatoes, bay leaf, salt, pepper, hot pepper, garlic, tagliatelle, basil, dried tomatoes .. Ingredients: 100 g onion 50 ml oil of olives 100 g of raw raw ham 250 g peeled tomatoes bay leaf salt pepper 1 hot pepper Mix the grated cheese with a well beaten raw egg and sour cream. If the cheese is unsalted, then we can put up to 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Put the mixture over the potatoes nicely placed in a pan greased with oil. It is easy to make some depressions to put the 4 eggs, 1 per serving. We also add sliced ​​olives and finely chopped ham

Dried raw ham Archives Savori Urban

  1. Bread with ham and cheese. It took. 220 ml warm water 2 tablespoons olive oil 1/2 sachet dry yeast (3.5gr) 1 teaspoon honey 350 gr white flour 1 1/2 teaspoons salt a little oil for greased tray. Filling. 6 thin slices of ham 150 grated cheese pipe
  2. We present 4 recipes with dried meat, extremely easy to make. Use dried meat, sometimes raw prosciutto to bring a slightly salty note that will make a difference in this appetizer. 3 recipes will be without baking: we will make wrappers, skewers and rolls. Finally, the brick sheet will be cooked in the form of a cone accompanied by a.
  3. Ham stuffed with raw salad November 23, 2014 Food Recipes Appetizers 1 One of the most popular appetizers we find every time in the wedding and christening menus but why not in our homes
  4. ute and another 2
  5. childhood taste, although the taste is far from that of the flatbreads of that time. If you liked our recipe Aperitif flattened with ham and cheese, don't forget to review it. After you have ter

When the ham is well fried, add the dried hot pepper, the broth and the delicate cube, cover and let it boil for 30 minutes. Ten minutes before the sauce is ready, put the pasta to boil in water with a little salt. When the pasta is ready, drain the water and put it in the pan with the sauce and mix well Dietary recipes: salad with corn and smoked ham. smoked ham A light salad, ideal for those who are on a diet is corn salad and smoked ham. It is prepared in just two minutes and can be enjoyed both at dinner and at lunch. The cheese is put on the grater with large holes, and the ham is cut into cubes. Mayonnaise is mixed with sour cream, salt and pepper. Cover a bowl with a little mayonnaise composition, sprinkle a layer of bell pepper, a layer of ham and a layer of mayonnaise, then repeat the operation until the end. Let the omelet take shape, and from time to time lift the edges with a spatula. , to allow the raw egg to come into contact with the pan and cook. Turn the mushroom omelette once it has completely solidified, using a large spatula or fold it, to taste. Recipe Ham and cheese rolls from the Cookbook, Appetizers. How to make Rolls with ham and cheese

- 300 g. Raw-dried ham (prosciutto through Italy, sonc in Banat: D) ​​- 200 g. Cheese - freshly ground pepper. Preparation: The watermelon is washed, dried, put in a nylon bag and kept cold for 6 hours, or overnight. Then cut in half, remove the seeds, and the core is cut into cubes. Toast with ham and mesh (40 votes), (5), (21) boiled ham 2 hard boiled eggs 10 seedless olives 1 string green onion ½ kapia peppers 4 tablespoons tomato paste 1 raw egg 2. Pizza with strawberry toast How to make chocolate chips at home 15 tuna recipes. Menu Planner Food Recipes with Garlic Beans 84 Recipes: Chopped Beans, Chickpeas and Baked Garlic, Baked Pea Beans with Garlic, Cream Beans with Garlic, Salad ..

Prosciutto e Melone or Raw-dried ham with melon

  1. Ever since I saw Alex Teacher's recipe for Pumpkin Cream Soup, I knew it would be to my liking, because I love pumpkin in whatever dish it included. And I was glad it was to my boys' liking as well. I slightly modified the recipe and the quantities, replacing the cream with the cream cheese
  2. let her soak him in lukewarm water
  3. Recipes with specific 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 2 tomatoes, 2 slices of toast or croutons, 6 slices of ham (muscles), cheese, 200 ml of fine yogurt, dill, salt and pepper. The ingredients are for 2 servings. raw salad croutons raw raw salami. Smoked Transylvanian sausages. Ingredients: 1 kg pork (with a little bacon), 1 kg beef.
  4. 250 g sausage (I had a raw ham - dry) 4 eggs 100 g telemea finely grated cheese with mold (or cheese) 2 tablespoons tomato paste 10 slices bread + 4 slices spices for pizza green onion (I had dried) salt pipe
  5. Beef pastrami, homemade, smoked or natural, boiled or raw dried, one recipe, so many ways to prepare, one tastier than the other. I give you the recipe step by step, with all the secrets I know, so that it will turn out at least as well as I did
  6. Dried raw pork pastrami. I carefully wrapped the meat in sugar, put it in a metal box and put it in the fridge for 24 hours, a large amount of liquid flowed from the meat, so that you pour the liquid, wash the sugar, dry it with a paper towel and cover it in a mixture of salt and put it.
  7. Recipes Sweets Quick and easy recipes Meat dishes Diets Detoxification SEARCH. Asparagus with ham Appears in Meals, Meat dish. 4 votes. Ingredient. 500 g asparagus 300 g raw-dried ham, finely sliced ​​a little olive oil red pepper optional sauce made from mayonnaise

GRATED LEEK WITH RAW-DRIED HAM Ingredients: 3 leeks. THE RECIPE BOOK. Blog archive 2015 (43) April (3) March (19) February (10) January (11) 2014 (117) December (8) SALTS WITH PARMESAN AND PINK HIMALAIA SALT. So much for pork ham. Without complications. Along with the ham, I prepared some pork sausages with sheep and pork in their own juice. Be healthy and get a ham first! Update - This year's ham 20.12.2014 - Making. We clean it evenly We cut it into pieces We give it salt There are quick recipes, easy recipes, simple recipes, cheap recipes with simple ingredients at everyone's fingertips or fine recipes with special ingredients. I hope you find it useful, increase cooking! To get to the recipe page, click on its name! Chinese style cauliflower with rice garnish. Pui Kiev. My parents stayed in Romania and died in time. I left for Israel at the age of 24 and I have my family. But my wife doesn't know Romanian cuisine.

Calories raw dried smoked ham Gusto Land - Sausages - calorie calculator and food calorie database The advantage of this recipe is that it can be stored for a few days in the refrigerator without problems and heat only how many servings you consume at a time. Ingredients for winter soup with beans, ham and cabbage - 200 g smoked scallops or raw-dried smoked ham, diced - 3 celery stalks, finely sliced ​​- 2 carrots, cut into apple cubes, wholemeal bread and seeds, pogacsa (pogaci), pizza with maya mushrooms, Italian bread with crispy crust

Ham and tomato omelette (1) Peasant omelette (1) Omelettes (3) Rice (1) Rice with eggplant and lamb (1) Eggs (4) Eggs with spinach (1) Lentil paste (1) Pasta / Pizza (5) pasta (2) Pasta, black, sticky (1) meatballs (1) Spicy meatballs with tomato sauce (1) fish (2) Fish / seafood (6) pizza (3) Homemade pizza . Pork, a wonderful source of protein, is often used in Romanian cuisine. A 100 gram serving of meat provides half of an adult's daily needs. In general, pork neck is preferred for grilling, which has become the basis of Romanian grilling. Quinces are a real miracle for health. They Here is a tasty and filling recipe: Salad with ham and vegetables. Ingredient. 250 g of poultry ham 1 carrot 250g celery 100g corn 100g yogurt

Ham croquettes - e-Recipes

  • erale # life
  • us:
  • Turmeric is a spice that does more than give your dishes an intense color (yellow-orange, like a sunset) and an aroma that immediately sends you to Asian cuisines. On its Latin name, Curcuma longa, turmeric is a plant related to ginger, from the underground stem of which - boiled, dried and finely ground [

Omelette folded with ham and cheese - Practical recipes

  • Optimal digestion and absorption from PEDIGREE® for happy and lively dogs all day long. There are some people who love dogs so much that they have turned this passion into a profession, devoting all their time to studying and understanding the things that make dogs happy and very happy.
  • prosciutto crudo, which yes, is raw ham, dry and not smoked, along with eggs and cheese. good side by side, we put protein from three sources (useless). why didn't you put something over it? and then, if we go on matured meats, then let's choose the best quality, and that would be at a maturation of at least 14-16 months. maturation itself is a fantastic process that effectively ennobles the product.
  • . Difficulty: low. Avocado paste on toast.
  • Raw-dried-smoked poultry pastrami, a recipe for gourmets. It can be made from duck, goose, chicken. Find the recipe by clicking on the picture.
  • Recipe rating The recipe has not been voted yet! Be the first to vote! Loading. Ingredients 1 egg 1 cup milk 3 g dry yeast a pinch of sugar salt a Continue reading Pizza with salami or ham
  • White smoked Tuscan bean soup is a tasty and aromatic soup specific to the Tuscany area. It is a delicious soup prepared with a few simple ingredients and I have further simplified the preparation process using instead of dry white beans with round beans, which would have involved a much longer cooking time, the delicious canned white beans SunFood containing only beans.
  • Culinary recipe Appetizer with pressed ham and cheese from the category Appetizers / Garnishes. How to make Appetizer with pressed ham and cassava

Mozzarella and ham pie - Recipes by Teo's

1 kg zucchini,, 1 tablespoon oil,, 100 g cheese,, 50 g smoked cheese, 200 gr. ham (bacon or kaizer), 50 g butter,, 200 ml sour cream,, 1 egg yolk,, (100 g boiled smoked meat),, salt, ground pepper. zucchini cheese ham raw salami dried pork and beef Under the recipes you have the Comments section! There are no posts with the label Dried Bean Soup. Show all posts. There are no posts with the label Dried Bean Soup. Crown with ham and cheese (1) Cozonac with mayonnaise (1) Cozonac with raisins (1). LIPIE RECIPE WITH HAM AND CHEESE - SIMPLE RECIPES FOR LIPIE SNACKS. May 29, 2016. INGREDIENTS RECIPE LIPIE WITH HAM AND CHEESE 450 gr flour 1 sachet dry yeast 2 tablespoons flour for wallpaper cold milk table (I do not know the exact amount) 1.5% fat table oil 4 tomatoes cherr Ham fry a little in very a little oil. It is absorbed with the napkins of the fat left. The raised dough is placed on the floured work table and a rectangular sheet is spread. Place the slices of ham on top, then sprinkle with cheese. We raise the edges of the dough (on the long side) and then from the opposite side we roll the recipe Recipe appetizer with ham and vegetables from Cookbook, Sweets. Specific Romania. How to make appetizer cake with ham and vegetables

Bread stuffed with smoked ham or Savori Urban ciolan

  1. As soon as the slices are removed from the oven, rub them with garlic and sprinkle with a little olive oil. You can use a brush to grease them. 3. Then grease with cream cheese, place cut pieces of dried ham and decorate with peppers and greens. It is consumed immediately
  2. Bread stick with butter, raw smoked ham. Stuffed eggs. Plate with kaizer, telemea cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers. THE RECIPE BOOK. Tiramisu, classic recipe Amalia. Sandwiches with peanut butter and bananas Cooking recipes with Laura Sava. Tiramisu Cupcakes Costachel
  3. INGREDIENTS Dough: 350 g flour 1 sachet dry yeast 200 ml warm milk salt 3 tablespoons oil Filling: 2 eggs 1 egg white 250 ml sour cream 1 onion (1 bunch green onion or 1 piece leek) 200 g ham 100 g cheese greased on top: 1 egg yolk . PREPARATION For the dough: sift in a bowl of flour and mix it with ..
  4. 27.06.2020 - Explore Cornelius Ioan Maxim's board PREPARATE CARNE, followed by 282 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Food, Recipes, Smoking

a few slices of pressed ham 3 slices of dried and smoked raw ham 1 sprig of leek fresh basil leaves 100 grams butter 180 grams yogurt 1 pepper capsicum or fat salt and pepper 100 g mozzarella Melt the butter in a saucepan and let it cool. Leeks are cut into thin slices. When the vegetables are cooked, strain the soup and bring the juice back to the boil, with the rice or noodles. If oil is added, it also boils. When the rice is cooked, add salt to taste, add chopped greens and leave covered for another 15 minutes. When serving, the soup can be straightened with fresh cream or egg Search Search by list Search recipes. Grocer's. Sweets Gift (8) Canned food (358) Fish (60) Pate (49) Meat (17) Canned vegetables (77) Canned fruit (47) Semi-prepared foods (31) Tomatoes (50) Canned food (27) Rice, pasta, Berries ( 120) Pasta (59) Rice (42) Beans, Lentils, Naut (15) Arpacas, Cous.

Raw raw homemade sausages - Recipes-Tasty

  1. We all love pizza, and the one prepared at home is the most suitable. Here is a simple pizza recipe with ham and cheese
  2. boil it. Add the tomato juice and spices and simmer 2 more
  3. The beets should be washed well and dried with a towel, then baked for about two hours - three hours, depending on its size. For the newest potato recipes we are waiting for you on the facebook page If you liked this recipe, see other recipes from the category Salads Other salad recipes
  4. Sift the 2 types of flour and mix them with the yeast, then add salt, beer and gradually the olive oil. Knead well until you get a non-sticky and easy to handle dough. Divide the dough into 18-20 equal pieces (35-40 gr each) and round them. Spread each ball of dough and put cheese and ham in the middle as you like, then close the edges of the dough in the middle and flatten a little
  5. Especially if you love Dal and soups with lentils or chickpeas, you will be instantly conquered by it with dried peas. preparation time: 1 hour. results in 5-6 servings. INGREDIENT. 125 grams of dried yellow peas. 6 water dogs. 1/2 thread leek. 1 small carrot. 1 small piece of tamarind, like a walnut. 1 tablespoon Garlic Pasta with Green Chilli OR 1 Green Chilli.

Omelette with ham and mushrooms - Cook with Horns

Neck - dried raw pastrami Culinary recipes with Laura Sava. Tiramisu Cupcakes Flavors and colors. Macarons - the first success SAWS Spaghetti FULL SPAGHETTI SPINACH SPARANGHEL SPARTAK SPART SMOKED RAFFLES STEVIE PORK STOMACH GRAPES STUFFED TOMATO JUICE HAM SOUP SOUP CREAM SOUPS SOUPS. Salted waffles with ham and cheese, a tasty appetizer My husband and I are big fans of salty or sweet waffles, we rarely miss breakfast on weekends and this only happens when we are not at home and do not have the waffle maker with me. It's as if I see that in the near future I will slip him in my luggage when we go on vacation

recipes culinary: Pancakes with ham - recipes pizza bread pies These spicy pancakes can also be served as an appetizer. cake recipe, recipes cakes, cake, cake recipe, fruit cake, diplomat cake, fruit pie, cake with walnut and shit Bean soup with tarragon and smoked meat, recipe. Recipe for smoked bean soup like in Transylvania. Soup with beans and smoked meat as in Transylvania. I don't know what it's like in other houses, but for me, if the soup is missing from the menu for a few days in a row, my half starts to frown. I put the yeast over the warm milk and let it dissolve. In a bowl, I put the flour, I made a hole in the middle and I added the milk with the yeast and the egg and I started to knead them, until they blended quite well. Then I added salt and oil and continued to knead in the bowl a little, then about 5-6 minutes on the work table until the dough did not stick to the hands.

Donuts with ham - Recipes with Gina Brade

  1. Raw-dried pork leg, with or without smoking, raw bacon or prosciutto. See more of Good appetite with Gina Bradea on Facebook. Log in. Forgot account? or. Create New Account. Not Now. Related Pages. Recipes with Laura Laurentiu. Blogger. Recipes with Gina Bradea. Blogger. Delicious recipes. Local Business. Recipes for everyone. Website. 1000 Recipes.
  2. Culinary recipe Pork chop with ham and mushrooms from the Cookbook, Foods. Specific Romania. How to make pork chop with ham and mushroom
  3. Pancetta, Raw-Dried Pork Ham, Rolled, approx. 2.75Kg - Montalcino Salumi, Italy for 319 RON. Find out details about Pancetta, Raw-Dried Pork Ham, Rolled, approx. 2.75Kg - Montalcino Salumi, Italy and see the opinions of others. Discounts, promotions, special offers on Food on ShopMania
  4. precious moments with your loved one, stop the search, because these baskets of melon with skewers of prosciutto, peppers and cheese, are the perfect choice. Ingredients: - 1 melon (about 1.5 kg.) - 2 apples - 1 lettuce created or plain - 1 red pepper - 300 g. Raw-dried ham (prosciutto through Italy, sonc in.
  5. ică, December 11, 2011. Dried yellow pea soup I made du
  6. Meat Food Recipes. Fish dishes. Fish food recipes Ingredients 1/2 teaspoon salt 350 g flour 3 tablespoons oil 2 teaspoons dry yeast 225 ml water 1 tablespoon sugar Preparation In a bowl put flour, salt and. Appetizers Horns with ham and cheese. Ingredient 500 g flour 200 g butter 2 or 1 egg yolk 1 sachet.

We couldn't find any recipes that match your search criteria. Look for recipes by name. Cooking recipes by ingredient We place the thawed dough on the table, we grease it with egg, we place the slices of ham, then we come over them with the slices of cheese, and on top with the second sheet of dough. We cut carefully, strips about 1.5 cm wide - about 11-12 pieces come out

04.03.2016 - Pizza with ham and mushrooms - prosciutto funghi. This pizza recipe is very popular with us and is very easy to prepare at home. The ham can be boiled or raw-dried and the mushrooms must be fresh. The cheeses that are traditionally used in pizza are mozzarella and parmesan. I like pi VIDEO: Raw spaghetti with avocado and basil sauce (Mihaela Cărămidariu YouTube) More recipes can be found on VIDEO: Salad with raw zucchini (Iubim Si Natim eggs, ham and vegetables Ingredients: 200 grams of ham or Paris, 4 pieces of large potatoes, 200 grams of peas, 1 piece of carrot, 1 piece of parsley root, 2 pieces of pickled cucumbers, 2 eggs, 6 tablespoons oil, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, mustard, green parsley, pepper and salt after tasting Calories raw dried ham slices, Kamarko - Sausages - calorie calculator and food calorie database Ideal for cold winter days, this soup is prepared with dried peas. Ingredients and quantities: 2 cups with peas 1/2 cup with pieces of ham (tempered in a little oil) 1 large onion 6 cups with water or chicken soup (diced) 1 strand of parsley, chopped sour cream Preparation : 1. Put the peas in a little water

Recipe Dried Bean Soup with Smoked Ribs

Buy Raw-dried, smoked, sliced ​​bacon 80g Romanian tastes from eMAG! You have the freedom to pay in installments, benefit from the promotions of the day, opening the package on delivery, easybox, free return in 30 days and Instant Money Back Homemade bread with dry yeast - In a large bowl I put flour, yeast, sugar and salt , I mixed them with a spoon and then I put a little warm water and kneaded, I added about 1 tablespoon and a half of olive oil and I kneaded until the dough did not stick to the bowl. Pizza with ham, mushrooms and cheese Chicken breast.

Raw-dried pork neck! - Easy recipes

Dried Bean Soup with Quince Ingredients: 300 gr beans, 1 large onion, 1 large carrot, 1 red pepper, 2 suitable tomatoes, 4-5 tablespoons oil, 1 large quince, salt, 6-7 peppercorns, larch , tarhon. Preparation: Choose the beans, wash well and soak overnight. The next day, wash well and bring to the boil. Recipe CORNS WITH BUTTER: 600 g white flour 1 sachet dry yeast 300 ml warm milk 1 egg 65 g soft butter 1 tablespoon honey (or sugar) 1 teaspoon salt I put the ingredients in the bread machine. The result was a soft and elastic dough, which I left to rise for an hour and a half (in the car). Whether it is breakfast, lunch, a simple dinner or a snack between main meals, salty tarts can be the ideal solution to turns any meal into a culinary treat. Ingredients tart with cottage cheese, pumpkin, ham and broccoli For tart dough 350 g white flour 150 g cold butter 1 egg 6 g [Cookbook with vegetable recipes The latest recipes - vegetable Vinegar 1 small beetroot, 3 -4 large potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 pea or bean, 1 sour cucumber, 2 scrambled eggs, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons oil, vinegar (to taste), salt How to make rolls with mayonnaise and celery. Celery is cleaned with a vegetable device, washed, then grated with small meshes, on a work surface, sprinkled with lemon juice (so as not to oxidize). (to leave the juice), then put in a strainer and press with the back of a spatula, mixing with mayonnaise.

Dried bean borscht with manatees Ingredients: 250 g. Beans, 200 g. Mushrooms (manatees or mushrooms), 2-4 onions, 1 carrot, 1 parsley, 1 parsnip, salt Potatoes with ham and cheese Dried bean salad Bean salad green with mayonnaise Recipes with Margareta Cismasiu View my complete profile. Find the recipe. Labels. Doughs (29) Appetizers (104) Drinks (17) Canned foods and pickles (68) Desserts (34 Recipes in pictures description. on the way to the tomatoes, just for a few seconds, quickly take them out on the plate, peel them and cut them into cubes How to prepare the recipe: Mix the yolk with 6 tablespoons sour cream, salt and beaten egg whites, gradually adding flour. Grease a pan with butter, line it with flour and put the composition. Bake over low heat. When ready, pour the omelette on a wet napkin - squeezed very well - and fill with finely chopped ham, mixed with two tablespoons of sour cream and pepper to taste

Ham omelette, the recipe is simple, quick, easy to prepare, it is perfect if you follow a few simple rules. How to prepare the article Ham omelet appears for the first time in Recipes - Laura Laurențiu. Read the full article on! Read the recipe further: Recipes - Laura Laurenți 1 sachet of dry yeast. 4 tablespoons sour cream. 4 salmon fillets. 3 cloves of green onion, finely chopped. 100 g arugula. 2-3 tablespoons of freshly chopped dill. 1/4 teaspoon salt. 250 ml of hot water. Method of preparation. Mix flour with yeast and salt. Pour the oil and half of the amount of water, then incorporate the dry ingredients well. I have many keto bread recipes, but sometimes I feel the need for thin, crispy slices, perfect for some homemade caviar or a drop of butter at room temperature, with Himalayan salt. Asa a aparut reteta de wassa keto, dupa ce am cotrobait prin camara, gandindu-ma din ce le-as putea face. Le-am ale acest nume [

Sunca uscata - Restaurante de Lu

400 gr sunca presata 400 gr muschi file 400 gr cascaval 100 gr ciuperci 1 ardei gras mare 100 gr sos pizza Mod de preparare Dizolvam drojdia uscata si zaharul cu cateva linguri de apa calduta, adaugam si 2 linguri faina si omogenizam pana obtinem o maia pe care o punem la dospit Se scot pe o farfurie uscata si se aseaza unele peste altele Sursa retetei: Monica-Elizabet. Reteta în Imagini. recipes Asemanatoare. Clatite aperitiv cu sunca si cascaval. postat de recipes in Imagini, in Clatite. 30 de minute: 4 Portii: Uso Pizza cu sunca si ciuperci - prosciutto funghi. Reteta asta de pizza este tare iubita la noi si se prepara foarte usor si acasa. Sunca poate fi fiarta sau crud-uscata iar ciupercile trebuie musai sa.. Tusea, reactia naturala a organismului atunci cand gatul este iritat, poate fi foarte neplacuta atunci cand nu are nicio cauza clara. Daca vrei sa scapi de problemele cauzate de un gat iritat si tuse uscata, incearca cele mai simple si eficiente 8 tratamente naturale, inainte de a merge la farmacie sau la medic Scobitori cu sunca, cascaval si somon afumat 1.980 vizite - 0 comentarii adaugat de Cozana Orez cu sunca 1.563 vizite - 0 comentarii adaugat de Cozana Clatite cu ciuperci si sunca din Picardia 1.325 vizite - 0 comentarii adaugat de Cozan

Reteta Rulouri cu sunca si cascava

Terina de legume cu sunca si oua de prepelita. Pentru maioneza, amesteci galbenusul crud cu un galbenus fiert tare. Omogenizezi amestecul si apoi adaugi treptat cate putin ulei, amestecand intr-un singur sens, pana cand obtii cantitatea dorita Cornuri umplute cu sunca, parizer, salam Cascaval cu ciuperci Se ia o roata mica de cascaval afumat Se decupeaza mijlocul lasandu-se un perete de 2 cm. Se aseaza roata decupata intr-o foaie de staniol. Se ridica foaia de staniol pe langa peretii de cascaval Se umple golul de cascaval cu cuperci, mici bucatele de sunca si condimente dupa gust pentru pizza cu sunca, masline, cascaval, ciuperci, ardei si ceapa:. 1/4 pachet margarina drojdie cat o nuca (sau 1 lingurita daca e uscata) 1 cana apa calda/fierbinte 350-400 g faina sare, 100 g telemea, 150 g cascaval, 150 g sunca presata, 1 cutie de ciuperci, 8-10 masline feliat Sunca afumata/slanina afumata se taie in fasiute subtiri. Usturoiul se curata si se zdrobeste, amestecandu-de cu sare, piper si un strop de ulei de masline. Dupa ce cartofii s-au copt se iau de pe aragaz si se pun intr-un vas acoperit, timp de 5-6 minute, sa se inmoaie coaja

Pepenii galbeni se vor taia in doua pe lungime, apoi cu o lingura le vom indeparta semintele.

Se vor taia in felii potrivite pentru a se putea curata usor de coaja, apoi in cuburi potrivite si puse intr-un blender la mixat impreuna cu mierea de albine, zeama de lamaie ( 2-3 linguri dupa gust la inceput, apoi adaugata daca se mai doreste in curs ), pana se obtine un piure.

Se adauga apa minerala ( sau plata), amestecand totul cu o paleta pentru a se combina suficient de bine ( sa nu ramana pulpa la fundul vasului atunci cand se va servi in pahare ).

This cocktail se poate servi imediat in pahare inalte( ornate cu felii de lamaie) together with cuburi de gheata, o frunza de menta si cu un pai, sau se poate tine piureul obtinut intr-un vas acoperit la rece in frigider timp de 1-2 ore, apoi servit in combinatei cu apa minerala la momentul potrivit.


Daca se prefera, dupa gust, se poate introduce in acest cocktil de pepene galben putin vermut, suc de cirese amare sau rom.

Pepene galben

Prezenta in componenta pepenelui galben a unor elemente (cum ar fi potasiul, calciul) si a vitaminelor A, B, C ajuta la pastrarea echilibrului metabolic necesar in diabet, protejand organismul de aparitia unor complicatii pe sistem nervos, arbore arterial, ochi si rinichi. Se consuma cantitati moderate de pepene galben in fiecare zi, pe parcursul sezonului. Inflamatiile si senzatiile de arsura de la nivelul pielii se trateaza rapid, aplicand felii subtiri de pepene galben, tinut in prealabil la frigider. Pepenele galben ajuta la detoxifierea organismului. Regenereaza tesuturile, fiind indicat in constipatie, hemoroizi, guta, reumatism si ingrijirea tenului. Datorita acidului folic, imbunatateste sistemul imunitar. Amelioreaza bolile de stomac si imbunatateste dispozitia psihica.

Regleaza tiroida

In urma cercetarilor recente, substantele nou descoperite in pepenele galben s-a dovedit ca au efect de echilibru asupra tiroidei. Pulpa fructului de pepene galben regleaza si aglandele sexuale, hipofiza si hipotalamusul endocrin. Studiile arata ca persoanele care consuma in fiecare an cel putin 70 de kilograme de pepene galben, sunt cu 40% mai putin expuse riscului de a avea un deficit de secretie tiroidiana. La persoanele cu varsta cuprinsa intre 16 si 34 de ani, se recomanda sa se consume in medie 600 g de pepene galben pe zi, pentru o sanatate interioara perfecta. La persoanele de 35-49 de ani se recomanda 750 g de pulpa de pepene galben, iar la cele intre 50 si 65 de ani, 400 g de pulpa de pepene galben. Specailistii recomanda sa se bea cel putin o cana cu apa seara, dupa pepenele galben. Abia asa incepe procesul de reglare a tiroidei si de aici a tuturor celorlalte glande.

Cu miezul lui dulce si zemos, pepenele galben este unul dintre cele mai parfumate fructe de sezon si un racoritor excelent. Are si actiune terapeutica, in multe privinte, mai puternica decat cea a pepenelui verde. De mii de ani, pepenele galben e considerat unul dintre cele mai sanatoase fructe. Face parte din ingredientele care compun deserturile speciale, dar si din meniurile curelor celor mai eficiente. E un elixir al frumusetii, stand la baza multor preparate cosmetice. Bulgarele auriu care troneaza in gramezi in toate pietele asteapta sa ajunga pe mesele noastre pentru a ne darui remedii naturiste dintre cele mai eficiente.

O farmacie intr-un fruct

Pepenele galben este originar din Persia, zona in care se cultiva de mii de ani. Si tot de atunci, e folosit in cure tamaduitoare. Astazi, pepenele galben nu si-a epuizat surprizele, cercetatorii descoperind zilnic noi efecte terapeutice ale miezului dulce si parfumat. Se stie ca reduce riscul aparitiei cancerului, bolilor coronariene si hipertensiunii. Stiintific vorbind, pepenele galben este o leguma din aceeasi familie cu castravetele. Contine apa (88,5%), albumine, hidrati de carbon, fibre alimentare, acizi organici liberi, potasiu, fier, vitaminele A, B, C, PP, acid folic, magneziu, potasiu, fosfor, calciu. Este mai bogat in vitamina C decat cel rosu si, in plus, contine beta caroten, antioxidant necesar organismului. De asemenea, are acid folic, care imbunatateste sistemul imunitar si reduce riscul atacului cardiac. Are efect racoritor foarte puternic, actiune reglatoare asupra apetitului (datorita substantelor sale aromate), precum si efecte vitalizante puternice.

Cum alegem un pepene galben

Se consuma in general in stare naturala, dar este la fel de savuros si sub forma de salate, gem, serbet, inghetata, dulceata suc, chiar vin. Cand alegeti un pepene galben, tineti cont ca e mai bun cel mai greu si mai parfumat. La palpare, cel copt elibereaza o aroma puternica. Alt criteriu de alegere este culoarea: cel galben deschis este sigur un pepene copt suficient. Pepenii galbeni pot fi pastrati la rece, in frigider, intr-o punga de plastic. Cei insuficient copti se vor coace in doua-trei zile la temperatura camerei. In afara de consumul miezului, pepenele galben este remediu naturist si sub forma de suc, potolind setea si calmand sistemul nervos. De fapt, se obtine un fel de nectar, mult mai rezistent la oxidare decat cel al pepenelui verde. Se consuma numai foarte proaspat, la cel mult 10 minute dupa preparare. In cura, se beau 3-6 cani din acest nectar pe zi.

Terapii cu fructul auriu

Cura cu acest fruct inseamna consumul vreme de 3-4 zile a unui singur aliment: pepene galben, cam 4-5 kilograme. Sau, o alimentatie normala, dar inainte de fiecare masa, se maninca pepene galben, cateva felii. Cantitatea ideala se stabileste in functie de toleranta organismului, la mai mult de 2 kg pe zi, pot aparea perturbari digestive. Aceasta cura este deosebit de eficienta in anemii si convalescenta, cand sunt indicate 3 cani de nectar pe zi, plus 3 lingurite de afine uscate. In caz de constipatie, se maninca dimineata pe stomacul gol 1-2 kilograme de pepene galben, remediu ce va curata foarte bine tubul digestiv. Doua felii mancate inainte masa regleaza apetitul, pepenele galben avand calitatea de a potoli senzatiile persistente de foame si sa micsoreze considerabil cantitatea de alimente consumate pe parcursul zilei. E foarte bun si in tratarea bolilor de piele. Alergiile, dermatozele infectioase, insotite de usturime si mancarimi, trec cu o cura de pepene galben de 10-12 de zile, timp in care sunt scoase din alimentatie carnea, grasimile si alimentele sintetice sau conservate. Pentru a intensifica procesele de vindecare, se ia de trei ori pe zi 1 lingurita cu varf de trei-frati-patati pe stomacul gol, cu putina apa.

Pepenele galben in bucatarie

Iata o reteta speciala de pepene galben cu carne de vita. Se alege un pepene galben (cantalup) de marime mijlocie, se taie pe jumatate si se curata de seminte. Se scobeste o parte din miez, atat cat sa ramana 1 cm de miez in coaja. Miezul scos se pastreaza pentru sos. Separat, 1/2 kg carne de vita se amesteca cu rozmarin, sare, 20 migdale curatate de pielita. Doua cepe taiate julien se calesc in ulei impreuna cu felii de ardei gras.. 150 g de orez se fierb cu 4 cesti de apa. Ceapa si orezul se amesteca peste carnea tocata, se adauga un praf de ghimbir, busuioc si cimbru. Cu aceasta compozitie se umplu cele doua jumatati de pepene, se acopera cu folie si se da la cuptorul incins, pentru 30 min. Separat, intr-o tigaie, se topeste o linguraa de unt, apoi se adauga doua lingurite de miere si miezul de pepene, se amesteca pana se omogenizeaza. Cateva linguri de sos se adauga peste pepene si se mai tine 5 minute la cuptor. Se serveste cu sos si patrunjel verde, menta sau busuioc.

Cateva contraindicatii

Desi e foarte gustos si bogat in vitamine, pepenele galben este contraindicat femeilor care alapteaza pentru a nu provoca bebelusilor, colici. Este greu de digerat de stomacul celor mici, motiv pentru care se recomanda ca acest fruct sa fie consumat doar peste varsta de doi ani. Pepenele galben este contraindicat persoanelor care duodenita, diaree, ulcer, enterocolita, iar diabeticii trebuie sa-l consume dupa indicatia medicului.

Dulceață din miez de pepene (lubeniță) cu coajă de lămâie confiată

Dulceață de miez din pepene (lubeniță) cu coajă de lămâie confiată. Rețeta de dulceață de lubeniță cu lămâie. Cum se face dulceața din pepene roșu sau verde sau harbuz (miez)? Rețete de dulceață de casă. Rețete cu pepene.

Am „inventat” această dulceață anul trecut când am rămas cu multe coji de lămâie și am făcut coji de lămâie confiate (recipe here). Am umplut borcanele și mi-a mai rămas un pic de coajă de lămâie cu sirop. Cum tocmai am făcut și dulceață din miez de pepene, am decis să o amestec cu cojile de lămâie. A ieșit ceva senzațional! Motiv pentru care anul acesta am făcut țintit dulceață din miez de lubeniță cu coji de lămâie confiate. Practic este o dulceață marca „Savori Urbane” deoarece nu am mai găsit vreo altă rețetă similară (nici la noi, nici la străini).

Am făcut și dulceață din miez de pepene simplă – see here. Este faină și așa dar parcă mai bună e cu coajă de lămâie.

Din aceste cantități rezultă 5 borcane de 330 g de dulceață de miez din pepene (lubeniță) cu coajă de lămâie confiată.

  • 1 kg miez de lubeniță (pepene verde, roșu, harbuzoaică)
  • 1 kg zahăr
  • vanilla
  • zeama de la 1 lămâie mare
  • coaja subțire de la 3 lămâi mari

Clatite cu banana si fulgi de ovaz

Aici fata cu fulgii de ovaz! Stiu, stiu ca am nspe mii de retete cu ei si ii tot combin si ii prezint sub alta forma, dar ce sa fac eu daca sunt sanatosi, se fac repejor si Termi ii adora? Am vrut sa ii fac usor de luat la pachet asa ca iata inca o reteta de clatite cum rasare :-). Cum Termi mancacioasa papa si inainte sa plece spre cresa (si la cresa linseaza tot, da, da ) trebuie sa am mereu ceva la micul dejun pentru ea, si nah…nu ii pot da numai unt cu paine, trebuie sa mai las si pentru seara felul asta de mancare mega complicat :-)). Cum noi suntem cam mereu pe fuga dimineata uneori ma organizez de cu seara sa fac ceva usor de papat si dimineata sa luam fuguta pe drum. Mai hranim si porumbeii, mai si papam, toate bune si frumoase :-). De aceea zic sa reinventez roata, adica fulgii fierti in lapte sub forma unor clatite :-)). Am pus putina banana sa nu zic ca n-am fructe si gataaa, succes garantat. Nu va mai tin cu vorba, reteta este una super usoara, rapida si cu ingrediente la indemana, perfecta pentru atunci cand nu mai stiti ce sa le faceti celor mici. Merge bine atat la micul dejun, gustare sau chiar cina alaturi de un iaurtel bun ceva.

Ah si stiti ca mare parte din retete am facut-o cu Termi pe un sold :-)). Era mega maraita si tot cerea “blate, blate”, de-aia vedeti furculita prin imagine si mai stiu eu ce. Am reusit sa mai pozez nitel cand i-am oprit un sfert din banana si i-am dat sa infulece nitel :-).


60g faina (alba tip 650 am folosit eu)

Jumatate de lingurita de scortisoara ceylon

*eu am luat de data asta niste fulgi de ovaz maruntiti, mai micuti ce se fac mai repejor. Daca aveti unii intregi, nesparti, puteti sa ii puneti putin la robot, sa ii ametiti nitel.

*Pentru extra gust eu am pus si migdale macinate. Dar merge bine si caju sau nuci.

1. Am pus intr-un bol oul pe care l-am batut nitel cu furculita. Apoi am turnat faina, fulgii si laptele. Daca puneti si ceva migdale sau nuci, le adaugati si pe ele aici.

2. Am omogenizat si am pus banana si scortisoara. Consistenta e una usor grosuta, dar care curge. Mai puteti adauga lapte daca vi se pare prea groasa si se pune greu in tigaie. Era de preferat banana sa o pasati bine separat si apoi sa o adaugati asa, dar nah…eu cu Termi in brate n-am reusit, am pus totul la gramada.

3. Am incins apoi bine o tigaie antiaderenta si am pus un polonic din compozitie. Ca sa nu se lipeasca, pe langa o cratita buna, trebuie sa turnati aluat atunci cand este fierbinte cratita.

Nici nu am contorizat cat le-am lasat pe fiecare parte pentru ca m-am luat cu spalat vase si ratzoit la Termi care devasta casa. Ii trecuse faza de “blate” si incepuse sa isi faca de cap prin casa :-))). Oricum la foc mic le-am lasat sa ma asigur ca se patrund bine. Le lasati pana se rumenesc frumos pe ambele parti, va desurcati voi :-).

Au iesit in total 5 clatite, i le-am servit lui Termi cu putina smantanica pe deasupra, dar merge de minune si un iaurt grecesc. Am presarat si niste migdale macinate asa pentru decor :)))).

1. Hidrateaza gelatine in 3 linguri de apa si da-o deoparte pana cand se umfla. Bate galbenusurile cu zaharul si esenta de vanilie.
2. Adauga laptele si da compozitia lichida la foc mediu, pana cand se ingroasa putin, apoi da crema (ramasa inca lichida, dar mai groasa!) de pe foc.
3. Adauga gelatina in crema fierbine si amesteca bine, apoi las-o sa se raceasca pana ajunge la temperatura camerei.
4. Incorporeaza frisca batuta (poate fi vegetala sau din smantana) si pepenele galben trecut prin robotul de bucatarie, folosind un tel, pana la omogenizare.

1. Taie blatul de tort (gasesti aici reteta de blat de tort simplu ). Asaza jumatate de blat intr-o forma de tort cu pereti detasabili de 26 cm.
2. Toarna deasupra 1/3 din cantitatea de crema obtinuta. Deasupra raspandeste cubuletele de pepene galben, apoi mai toarna 1/3 crema de pepene galben.
3. Asaza cea de-a doua jumatate de blat si toarna restul de crema peste blat.
4. Da tortul la frigider pentru minim 4-5 ore, sau pana cand tortul cu spuma de pepene galben se solidifica.

13 comentarii la &ldquoGem de pepene galben cu caise&rdquo

Mmmm ce aromat trebuie sa fie. Hugs

Imi imaginez ce bine s-au unit cele doua arome si a iesit ceva foarte bun. Week-end placut Timea. Kiss!

Rocsi fructele astea sunt bune si individual si impreuna. Buna idee am avut :)). Kiss you

Ingredientele sint pe gustul meu, asa ca ma inscriu si eu sa gust o feliuta de piine cu gem de la tine…

O idee foarte buna! Cred ca a iesit o combinatie perfecta, merita incercata.

as putea inlocuii caisele cu prune ?

Timi , am sperat ca macar la inceputul toamnei sa pot primi pe mail tot ce postezi tu , dar nu … chiar nu vrei sa creezi si asa ceva ptr noi ptr a ne bucura de toata munca ta ?
Zile frumoase !

Diana nu inteleg la ce te referi? Te poti abona prin mai la postarile mele daca la asta te referi.
Zile frumoase si tie

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Welcome to my blog! Simple and light food for everyone's taste. I don't have many kitchen secrets, but I like to cook and I do everything with passion. In fact, my only secret when I cook is the passion with which I make even the simplest food. Enjoy whatever you choose to cook from what I present below!

Pancakes & more

Pancakes & more se găsește pe Str. Lt. Av. Marcel Andreescu nr. 15 și are program zilnic între orele 10 – 22, curtea mică dar primitoare a localului fiind locul ideal în care să iei cina în aer liber, într-o seară răcoroasă de vară.

Iată câteva dintre cele mai apetisante preparate ale lor:

Ribs Crêpes – 35 lei

Un adevărat festin sub formă de clătite! Crêpes cu coaste de porc marinate, salată de varză și sos Barbecue.

Hot Salmon Crepes – 37 lei

Somon sălbatic la cuptor, mix salată, sos alb cu piper.

Parisienne – 28 lei

Mix de brânzeturi: Parmezan, Feta, Gorgonzola, nuci.

Dulce de Leche Symphonie – 26 lei

Cine zice că nu poți avea clătite gourmet? Acest preparat este demn de o masă la un restaurant franțuzesc, având caramel de lapte și fructe de pădure în reducție de vin.

Rose Pancakes – 28 lei
Sau cum sună un tort în formă de clătite? Rose pancakes au mascarpone, dulceață, trandafir comestibil și bezea.

Vegan Delicious – 26 lei
Nici aceia care urmează diete vegane nu duc lipsă de bunătăți la Pancakes & more! Vegan Delicious conține făină integrală, banane, caramel, sirop de arțar și nuci.

Pancakes Orgy – 49 lei
Iar dacă niciuna dintre variantele lor nu te convinge, îți poți face propria clătită, exact așa cum ți-o dorești, cu 3 toppinguri la alegere.

Video: Pfannkuchen Rezept ohne Milch (February 2025).