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Baked carp on a bed of vegetables

Baked carp on a bed of vegetables

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The fish is cleaned, washed well and salted to taste. The vegetables are cleaned and washed well. Cut the carrots into slices, fish onions, diced tomatoes and sliced ​​garlic. Put all the vegetables in a bowl, add salt, pepper and basil and mix. Grease a pan with oil, put all the vegetables, and put the fish pieces over the vegetables.

Grease each piece of fish with a little oil to brown it nicely. Cover the tray with aluminum foil and put it in the oven over low heat.

After half an hour, remove the foil and put it back in the oven for another 35-40 minutes (check if the vegetables are done, if not, leave them for a few more minutes).

Video: ΓΡΙΒΑΔΙ ΤΕΡΑΣ MONSTER CARP (February 2025).