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This is a variant of the traditional tonic gin ... very good, cool and fragrant..Attention to alcohol ... it doesn't taste but it feels .. :)
- 2 cans of tonic water
- ice cubes
- a box of berries (I had red fruits)
- gin
- mint leaves
Servings: 4
Preparation time: less than 15 minutes
RECIPE PREPARATION Tonic gin gin with berries:
- Put the berries in gin glasses, lightly crush them with a ceramic nut. Add a little crushed ice cubes. Pour the gin and then fill with tonic water. Mix and put a mint leaf on top.
Eliminates the discomfort of extra pounds with berries
Are you an overweight person? I bet you're tired of hearing everyone telling you to eat fruit. Nutritionists, family, friends, including your favorite magazine insist on these things. And what bothers you the most is the fact that, although you want a wasp silhouette, no one sees that there are other problems to solve. For example, swollen feet even on days when you do not make an effort. The eternal feeling of fatigue and mineral disorders in the body that cut off all your zest for life. Slow bowel movement, gastritis, constipation, hormonal disorders and other problems sometimes make you even forget about the social models that always bring out the ladies with the mannequin figure. Until you get rid of extra pounds, you want to get rid of the discomfort caused by other problems. One option would be to replace the apples, bananas, oranges that you are actually tired of, with something you can buy or harvest this season: berries.
Red currants regulate digestion
As a place of honor among the useful berries in such situations, red currants can solve many problems. If you sometimes feel very hungry or lack appetite, it is recommended to consume 50-100 g of red currants before and after meals. If you consume red currants for 14 days you will notice that the feeling of hunger appears at normal intensity, digestion has accelerated reasonably and you are better with your energy level. You even got rid of the occasional headache. If you suffer from gastritis and other methods have had no effect, it is possible that the cure with red currants will work. However, you must be careful that you will have to increase the amount consumed up to 300 g (preferably before a meal). When you watch TV and you feel like nibbling on something, don't resort to cookies, wafers or chips. Currants are only good.
Raspberries cut the appetite
Raspberry consumption has noticeable effects if you suffer from hormonal disorders or digestive tract problems. The minerals and vitamins contained in fruits, but also in leaves, are easily assimilated by the body. Raspberry syrup will keep you away from carbonated drinks that you probably enjoy out of convenience. It has a refreshing and tonic effect. It is obtained by crushing the fruits, straining them and mixing them with honey (1 glass of fruit to 3 glasses of honey). After 7 days, when the composition is well mixed and has the consistency of a jam, it can be consumed with a teaspoon or mixed with water (proceed as in the case of concentrated juices). Consumption of fresh fruit can turn into a real cure if it lasts more than 12 days and 200-300 g of fruit are served before meals. Remember that raspberries slow down digestive processes and for 3-4 hours you will not feel hungry. Be sure not to put sugar on the fruit, because the effect is lost because of this. Raspberry tea is made from fruit, but also from young shoots with a few leaves. They are dried outdoors and then crushed and used like so many other dried plants.
Adapt to summer by eating strawberries
If you have where to pick or buy strawberries, take this opportunity. They help you detoxify your body, especially if you eat them on an empty stomach in the morning, instead of breakfast. You can use them fresh, get juice, make fruit and leaf tea. Consuming strawberries will help lower your blood pressure, which will contribute to a good transition of the body from spring to summer, without experiencing respiratory difficulties. It has a cooling effect, fights asthenia caused by high temperatures and invigorates the activity of the liver.
Here are some arguments to take full advantage of this period in which berries are accessible. Moreover, if you live in the yard, it would not be bad to set up a small plantation so that you can have fruit to your heart's content.
Healthy content: Vitamin C, flavonoids, salicylic acid, tannins, calcium, potassium, iron
Action: Beneficial against diarrhea, regulates metabolism, beneficial against rheumatism and gout, reduces the risk of heart disease
Healthy Content: Vitamin C, A, Routine, Biotin, Potassium, Magnesium, Iron, Elagic Acid
Action: Antipyretic, purifies the blood, beneficial in bone formation, beneficial against intestinal catarrh
What you can prepare from raspberry fruits: teas, juices, compotes, ice cream, cake creams, jams, jellies, jams, non-alcoholic cocktails, sauces, etc.
Healthy content: Vitamin C, silicon, citric acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, pectin.
Action: Digestive, diuretic, tonic for hair and nails. Gooseberries are also used to treat chronic candidiasis and, when eaten before meals, help the bile, liver and gallbladder.
Healthy Content: Vitamin C, Calcium, Potassium, Iron, Phosphorus, Citric Acid, Pectin
Action: Against rheumatism and gout, detoxifying, antibacterial, strengthens the immune system, diuretic. They are the only berries that contain a very high percentage of volatile oil. However, the main vitamin of currants remains retinol, an essential nutrient for maintaining healthy skin.
Healthy content: Vitamin C, beta-carotene, iron, Potassium, sodium, Citric acid, pectin, quercetin, anthocyanin
Action: Anti-inflammatory, forms blood, beneficial against diarrhea, pain, stomach pain and bladder diseases. Blueberries neutralize free radicals that can promote disease and aging in the body
Healthy content: Vitamins C, A, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, arbutin, flavonoids, pectin
Action: Digestive, lowers cholesterol, beneficial against diarrhea, urinary tract infections, gout and rheumatism, antiviral, against bacteria and fungicides
Healthy content: Iron, Calcium, ellagic acid. Blackberries contain phytochemicals and phenolic flavonoids (anthocyanins, tannin, ellagic acid, gallic acid, salicylic acid). This mix of antioxidant compounds strengthens the body
Action: Detoxifying, anti-carcinogenic, lowers blood pressure
Healthy content: Anthocyanin, flavonoids, essential oils, tannins
Action: Protective effect against diseases of the cardiovascular system, joints, eyes, skin and kidneys, tonic in cases of febrile diseases, rheumatism and gout
Healthy content: Vitamin C, pectin
Action: Antioxidant, stimulates the immune system, digestive, anti-inflammatory
Rosehips can even be eaten raw in salads or in the form of tea, tincture or even rosehip wine.
Cinnamon fruits
Healthy content: Vitamin C, A, Pectin, tannins, absorbed
Action: Tonic for stomach and intestines, antioxidant, digestive, anti-inflammatory, relieves sweating, hot flashes and other symptoms that occur at menopause
Healthy content: Quercetin, much richer in vitamin C than citrus fruits
Action: Enriches various products with vitamin C, pharmaceutical use in the treatment of skin burns (including sunburn)
Indehiscent fruits and aggregate fruits
From a botanical point of view, berries (as the Anglo-Saxons call them) are divided into indehiscent fruits and aggregate fruits:
- The most common are the indehiscent ones: Even when fully ripe, these fruits remain dark, the seed being surrounded by the core of the fruit. These include not only classic berries, such as currants, blueberries and grapes, but also bananas, kiwis, dates, cucumbers and pumpkins. Because the last two have a hard shell, they are also known as berries. When the inflorescence has several ovaries, we are dealing with fruits aggregated from a botanical point of view, a relatively rare form, among which the carmaz fruits.
- Strawberries, raspberries or blackberries are not botanical d.p.d.v berries, but aggregate fruits, with the seeds exposed on the body of the fruit and not protected in the pulp of the fruit.
- Shock fruits and juniper berries are not berries either. The first are actually drupes and the juniper is actually a conifer that stays green in all seasons.
Several varieties of fruit are commercially available under the general name of berries - although incorrectly botanical, but in accordance with the tradition and understanding of consumers. The characteristics are what they look like: small, round, relatively soft and of course edible. Tomatoes, these "forest vegetables" are not among them, but strawberries are.
Three important rules about fruit
Given the fact that berries are very sensitive, careful but fast processing is recommended.
- When buying, choose well-formed fruits with a glossy coating, because the berries are very sensitive to touch and begin to mold immediately after hitting.
- For cleaning, place the fruit in a bowl of water for a short time and let it drain on a paper towel to remove moisture and avoid crushing them.
- In the refrigerator, berries can be stored for 1-2 days.
The correct method of storing berries in the freezer
In addition to the myriad possibilities for recovery, such as juices, compotes, ice cream or cake creams, berries can be frozen, thus maintaining their valuable vitamins. But due to the high water content, they become soft after thawing, sticking together.
These problems can be avoided by freezing them in individual layers (spreading the fruit on a foil or a chopper), being only then stored in a common bowl. And even if the fruit does not keep its structure intact after freezing, they can be successfully used for delicious fruit jelly or milk-shake recipes.
We are happy to provide you with medical advice and essential information for your diet and that of your family!
We hope that this article has helped you to include in your daily diet the elements that your body needs.
5 gin cocktails for you and your friends
Diversify your personal drink menu and explore new tastes. Regardless of the nature of the party you are planning, it is never a bad idea to try other recipes and lots of combinations.
You don't need special utensils or sophisticated drinks to do this & # 8211 even an ordinary jar can take the place of a shaker. To have more confidence in your bartender skills, it is useful to know a few tricks:
- Always make sure that the drink you prepare is neither too sweet nor too bitter
- Before you try a new recipe for others, make it for yourself first
- Make sure you only use good quality ingredients
- Remember that "drinking" is a process that takes place in 3 steps: first with the eyes, then with the nose, and finally with the mouth.
Being one of the most popular alcoholic beverages, the basis of the cocktails presented below is called gin.
It was created by a famous bartender, Dick Bradsell, and is a short drink, suitable for any event. You will need: 40ml gin, 20ml sugar syrup, 20ml lemon juice, 10 ml blackberry cream. Mix all the ingredients and get an energy boost! You can decorate the glass with berries or a slice of lemon.
Perfect for a summer evening, this cocktail contains 10ml of strength, 10ml of orange liqueur, 10ml of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of sugar and prosecco. The effervescent aroma will cool you down and make you want to stay at the party until the first rays of the sun.
The Italians consider that you have to drink Negroni at least 3 times to fall in love with this drink. The necessary ingredients to obtain it are: 25ml of gin from beicevrei.ro, 25ml of vermouth, 25ml of Campari and a little orange juice. To enhance the flavor, it is good that the glass in which you drink Negroni is cold as ice.
This drink is also called Mojito with gin and contains: 50ml of strength, 20ml of lime, 15ml of sugar syrup and mint leaves. Mix all the ingredients in a shaker and pour the contents into a Martini glass that has been kept in the freezer. This cocktail is suitable for any social event or anniversary.
Have you never heard of this name? Maybe the name gin tonic sounds more familiar to you. It is very unlikely that you have never tasted the drink that brought popularity to gin worldwide. The secret for a perfect G&T lies in the quality of the tonic water used. Put a lot of ice, drink responsibly and enjoy with your loved ones!
As a general rule, in order to get the best cocktails, in addition to the suggestions already mentioned, perhaps the most important aspect is the following: it is necessary to feel good in the entourage in which you are! After all, man sanctifies the place and nowhere is he better than those he loves!
How to make berry tincture
Even at home, you can make a flavored alcoholic beverage: for this you need to take ripe berries and fill them with sugar. After fermenting the mixture for 2 months, drain the juice and pour the main component with vodka and leave to ferment for another 2 months. The last step is filtering & # 8211 after this procedure, the filling will be ready in 5 months. It should be noted that the taste of the drink does not depend on the condition of the berries: they can be taken both fresh and frozen. Depending on the speed of alcohol preparation, it is recommended to use different types of fruit:
- raspberries (except yellow and white varieties), strawberries, strawberries are suitable for ripening
- in the middle of the season they are made of plums, currants, cherries, lingonberries
- for pears with late ripening, quinces, apples, mountain ash (hard fruits) are often used.
Even beginners will be able to produce a tasty and high quality intoxicating product at home, but for this you have to follow a few rules:
- It is advisable to take berries only from a trusted seller & # 8211 then you will be sure that they have not been processed with chemicals during growth and maturation.
- Before preparing the drink, the raw materials of raw fruit must be frozen & # 8211 using this procedure, the structure of the fruit is destroyed, after which they give all the useful properties and taste of alcohol.
- Sugar is an essential component of any tincture. This product gives the drink an extra strength and helps the fruit to maximize its taste.
- Homemade berry tincture should be infused for a month. When cooking, do not open the lid often.
How to make juniper vodka at home
Vodka junkaier is made from berries. If you want to make a strong drink at home, you need to understand that not all varieties are suitable for food consumption.
The fruits of Kozatsky shrubs contain in the structure of dandelion fruits sabina oil, which is essentially toxic and dangerous to human life. Once in the body, the substance can adversely affect kidney function, cause miscarriage, lead to fainting.
To prepare a homemade juniper tincture with the taste of a real gin, the choice is stopped on ordinary juniper fruits. They are considered the most successful solution and have blue or blue-brown berries with a coating.
The signs that the bush is suitable for the production of vodka and tinctures are as follows:
- number of seeds in grains - 3 pieces
- lack of a pronounced turpentine odor
- the leaves of an ordinary juniper bush have similarities to needles.
If on the site grow bushy juniper bushes with rich red-brown fruits, you can make a drink from them. They are also available for purchase in pharmacy networks.
Some people are interested in doing all the steps of making juniper vodka with their own hands. This is what imposes an independent & quot; hunt & quot for raw materials. Before choosing berries in the park areas of the city, you need to know some of the nuances:
- Juniper harvesting should be away from industrial centers, roads, places of active human activity.
- The crop is considered suitable for use only after full ripening - they are oriented according to color.
- When drying, the collection must provide all conditions (canopy, dry, ventilated room).
To make juniper tincture prove to be of good quality with a pleasant taste, strong alcohol is used in the manufacturing process:
- vodka with excellent characteristics
- pre-diluted ethyl alcohol
- Moonshine double cleaning without oils and the smell of the rifle.
To improve the taste and give a special drink, you can add the following ingredients to the raw materials:
- sugar, honey, fructose
- spices and seasonings
- drug charges
- almonds or walnuts
- citrus peels.
The recipes for making juniper vodka are identical, but each host has its own zest, adding which turns out to be something special, unique.
Juniper fruit tincture on vodka
Prepare the berry tincture is easy, subject to instructions. To make a homemade drink, you will need:
- dried juniper fruits - 10 pcs
- good quality vodka - 500 ml
- lemon peel - half of the fruit
- sugar or honey - depending on preferences
- water - if necessary (100 ml).
Before preparing the tincture of juniper berries on vodka, select the base of the necessary resistance. After the grains give up the essential oils, the addition of water is not recommended, as this action can lead to the appearance of nuance of the drink. Adding sugar is considered optional, but its presence in the recipe softens the taste, and citrus peels give a note of freshness.
- Juniper berries are crushed, folded into an aging container, poured vodka.
- Pre-washed lemon zest is added to the main ingredients.
- The capacity becomes clogged and persists for 2 weeks at room temperature without access to sunlight.
- Every 3 days the jar is shaken, so the fruit still gives the beneficial properties.
- The finished concentrate is filtered, the fruit is squeezed a little.
- Add sugar to the finished drink and, if necessary, water.
After going through all the stages of preparation, the drink on juniper is bottled and stored under a tightly closed lid. When making sweeteners, the drink should be kept cold to stabilize the taste.
Tincture of juniper roots
Healing tincture can be prepared from the bark and roots of juniper. This composition has a strong therapeutic effect. With 30 minutes to 30 minutes before meals for 60 days, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms of kidney stones and even dissolve the stones.
For cooking you will need:
- juniper bark and roots - a glass filled to the brim (100 g)
- good quality vodka - 400 ml.
- The drug collection was poured into the infusion container.
- Top with vodka to the top of the 0.5 l jar, tightly closed.
- Stay without access to light at room temperature for 14 days.
- The capacity is agitated every 3 days.
At the exit tincture it turns out, similar to strong boiled tea tea.
It's important! Juniper roots on vodka are used to undergo a course of treatment no more than once every 2 years.
Tincture on juniper berries on alcohol
To feel the taste of gin while intoxicated, you should consume alcohol. For the preparation of alcoholic juniper tincture with an unusual taste, you will need:
- juniper berries -25 g
- alcohol with a concentration of 96% - 610 g
- coriander - 3 tbsp
- cumin - 2 tsp.
- The alcohol is poured into two containers (330 and 280 g).
- For the most part, pour in 70 ml of water, make berries - prepare juniper alcohol.
- To a smaller part, if 60 ml of water, add coriander, cumin.
- Two of the compositions are kept in a dark place for 5 days, stirring vigorously periodically.
- Both mixtures are filtered separately and each volume is increased 1.5 times, adding water.
- Liquids must also be distilled autonomously before evaporation from each volume at 260 g.
- Only at this stage the two compounds are combined and supplemented with boiled water (1 l).
Before starting the tasting drink you need to insist the week in a cool place.
Juniper leaf tincture
Alternative medicine uses all the components of the plant for benefit. To heal the drops and improve blood quality, it is recommended to prepare an infusion of juniper leaves and stems.
For cooking you will need:
Connect the two components and incubate for up to 8 hours. The finished tincture is filtered and consumed before meals 1 tablespoon. l. three times a day.
Tincture on juniper and cardamom
To get a product that inspires the taste of dry gin in London, you need to do a little more with homemade vodka. Before starting the second distillation, juniper berries, cardamom, lemon peel, cinnamon, coriander, anise, dandelion root are brought with alcohol. From the variety of herbs and spices for a more natural taste of Plymouth, it is important to bring caramel and cardamom. The output is a pleasant drink with no obvious juniper taste and bitterness.
Horseradish juniper with horseradish
Usually the classic of the genre is vodka with pepper, but real gourmets know that horseradish and juniper tincture is quite painted and worthy of attention.
For cooking you will need:
- good quality vodka - 0, 5 l
- fennel seeds - 25 g
- juniper berries - 20 g
- horseradish root - 20 g
- coarse salt - 5 g
- black pepper, ground - 1 g.
- Horseradish cleaned and crushed.
- Combine all ingredients, pour vodka, stir.
- Determined in a dark place at room temperature - for 2 weeks.
- Stir the mixture periodically.
After 14 days, the drink is filtered and stored in a cool place under a tightly closed lid.
Juniper tincture with anise
If during the preparation of juniper tincture to add a little anise, the taste of spicy gin will be provided to the drink.
For cooking you will need:
- vodka, moonshine - 1 l
- juniper berries - 10 berries
- anise seeds - 3 pcs
- cinnamon - 3 g
- lemon peel - from 1 fruit
- coriander - 3 g.
Preparation is easy: all ingredients are mixed, kept for a week in a dark place, filtered. Eat cold.
Tincture on juniper berries with honey
You can add a special taste and enhance the beneficial properties by preparing an infusion of juniper berries with the addition of honey and ginger. To prepare the drink you will need:
- vodka or meadow - 1, 8 l
- natural honey - 6 tbsp. it.
- juniper berries - 10 berries
- Ginger - 140 g
Vodka is poured into an infusion container, it also contributes to grated ginger, crushed juniper berries. All components should be mixed until the honey is completely dissolved. The jar is sealed and sealed for 14 days without access to light. The production is a unique combination of juniper scent and bitter-sweet taste.
Recipe for juniper vodka from dried berries
If you failed to get the berries of a simple juniper, pharmacy fees offer to try the fresh juniper berries, but it should be noted that as a result, the smell of medical preparations may be present in the drink. Recipes can be used any harmoniously combine ingredients. It is also quite possible to combine a tablespoon of medicine with vodka (1 l) and insist in a dark place for 14 days.
Sweet Summer
pineapple granini
pink grapefruit granini
4 fresh strawberries
4cl vodka
Crushed ice (or normal)
A few fresh blackberries
A fruity summer drink
- Remove the stalks from the strawberries.
- Mix pineapple granini and pink grapefruit with strawberries in a blender. Add Vodka and crushed ice and mix.
- Garnish with some fresh fruit.
- Tip: You could also put the composition in the freezer in a form of ice cream.
Recipe created by:
Through their high level of phytochemicals, berries provide the body with those natural nutrients that help protect and regenerate cells - according to dietitian Nancy Copperman, MS, RD, CDN, director of the public health initiative for the North Shore Community Health Office - Long Island Jewish Health System, Great Neck, NY.
The data show that there are multiple reasons why blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, rosehips and strawberries should not be excluded from a healthy diet.
1. Anti-diabetics
Berries play a role in normalizing blood sugar levels and insulin secretion. Studies have shown that berries help increase insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar after high-carb meals, both for healthy people and individuals with insulin resistance.
2. Berries are a good ally in the fight against cancer
Blueberries and raspberries can one day lead to more effective cancer prevention strategies. Research published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis suggests that flavonoids and other compounds found in berries may help reduce the risk of colon cancer. Because cancer prevention diets generally emphasize the importance of fruits and vegetables, including berries, Dr. Copperman again supports the theory of the rainbow diet, with as varied and colorful ingredients as possible.
3. Anticancer
Berries have an anticancer effect. Anthocyanin, ellagic acid and resveratrol, the antioxidants contained in these fruits, can reduce the risk of cancer, especially in esophageal, breast, colon or oral cancer.
4. Stimulates brain activity
Berries improve brain function. The polyphenols in berries slow down the aging process of the brain, stimulating the function of the nerve cell. Studies in recent years have found that berries have a role in preventing specific diseases, such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.
All the vitamins and elements that berries contain help prevent and cure many types of neurological disorders. They are recommended in diseases of the central nervous system, especially in neurodegenerative diseases. Also, for a better memory, but also for a much greater power of concentration, consume these fruits, instead of taking pills. If, in your way, you are more depressed, a snack that also contains berries will raise your tone and morale.
5. Treats digestive and urinary tract problems
If you have more serious problems with digestion and the urinary tract, do not expect a miraculous recovery. Instead, you can use them for constipation because of the fiber in these fruits. Vitamins, copper, sodium, acids and fructose also improve digestion. Currants, for example, contain substances that inhibit the growth of bacteria along the urinary tract, which can result in burning sensations.
6. Berries help control weight
Due to their fiber and liquid content, berries give us a feeling of satiety, says Dr. Copperman, and this is an important part of managing your weight loss program. Creativity in the kitchen will encourage you to experiment with berry recipes such as salad dressings and sauces, which will easily replace the ingredients with fat and oil.
7. Benefits for the heart
A recent study published in the Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association provides more evidence on the benefits of eating berries. The study included 93,000 women (aged 25 & # 8211 42) who were evaluated in the Nurses' Health Study II. The women completed diet questionnaires every four years for 18 years. During this time, 405 of these women suffered a heart attack. After looking at other factors that may contribute to heart risk, such as body mass index, smoking, and exercise level, the researchers found that women who ate the most berries (three or more times a week) were 32% less likely to suffer a heart attack than those who ate berries once a month or less often. The authors said that the pigments called anthocyanins, contained in berries, can reduce the risk of heart disease by widening the arteries and preventing the collection of atheromatous plaque inside them. Deoarece acest studiu evalua femeile mai degraba cu privire la obiceiurile lor alimentare decat sa le indemne sa manance anumite cantitati de fructe de padure, nu s-a putut determina exact ce cantitati de fructe trebuiau consumate de catre femei pentru a reduce numarul atacurilor de cord, precum si pentru a lua alte masuri impotriva aparitiei bolilor de inima. Totusi, acest studiu ilustreaza modul in care o simpla schimbare a dietei poate contribui la o imbunatatirie reala a sanatatii.
Cel mai răspândit sortiment de gin este London dry gin. Acesta se obține prin redistilarea alcoolului etilic după ce au fost adăugate plantele aromatice. Concentrația se obține adăugând apă demineralizată.
Ginul olandez, numit și jenever or genever, este mult diferit de cel englezesc. Este distilat cu orz și adesea îmbătrânit în contact cu lemnul, fiind asemănător whisky-ului. Are un conținut mai mic de alcool decât London dry gin și o aromă mai puternică.
Ginul distilat a evoluat din jenever, Plymouth gin, mai puțin sec decât London dry gin și Old Tom gin, cel mai dulce și mai aromat. Ginul compus este obținut din alcool etilic și ienupăr, fără redistilare.
Sloe gin este un sortiment de gin îndulcit, obținut prin infuzia fructelor de porumbar sau a prunelor.
Ginul își are originea în Olanda, în secolul al XVII-lea. Realizarea lui este adesea atribuită doctorului Franciscus Sylvius. Era vândut în farmacii și utilizat în tratarea afecțiunilor renale și gastrice, lumbago, calculilor și gutei.
S-a răspândit în Anglia după ce Wilhelm al III-lea de Orania a fost încoronat în urma Revoluției Glorioase. Ginul a devenit foarte popular în Anglia după ce guvernul a permis producția de gin fără autorizație impunând, în același timp, taxe foarte mari băuturilor importate. Aceasta a creat o piață pentru alcool de proastă calitate, nepotrivit fabricării berii. Fiind foarte ieftin a devenit popular în rândul săracilor. Până în 1740 producția de gin a crescut de șase ori mai mult decât cea de bere. Din 15 000 de localuri din Londra, mai mult de jumătate vindeau gin. Berea își menținea, totuși, reputația deoarece fermentația alcoolică era mai sigură decât apa contaminată. Ginul era, prin urmare, blamat pentru problemele medicale și sociale pe care le cauza. Reputația celor două băuturi a fost descrisă de către William Hogarth în gravurile Beer Street și Gin Lane.
Actul ginului din 1736 a impus taxe ridicate distribuitorilor și a condus la revolte. Taxele au fost treptat reduse și abolite în 1742. Actul ginului din 1751 a avut mai mult succes. El impunea distileriilor să vândă doar distribuitorilor autorizați și a adus magazinele de gin sub jurisdicția magistraților locali.
În Londra, la începutul secolului XVIII ginul era vândut pe piața neagră și fabricat în distilerii neautorizate. Adeseori erau adăugate terebentină sau acid sulfuric. În Dicționarul Webster din 1913 era afirmat fără alte comentarii că "Ginul comun este, de obicei, aromatizat cu terebentină".
În coloniile tropicale britanice ginul era utilizat pentru a masca gustul amar al chininei. Aceasta se folosea împotriva malariei dizolvată în apă carbonatată, formând apa tonică. Amestecul stă la baza ginului tonic, foarte popular în zilele noastre, deși chinina nu mai este folosită împotriva malariei și nici nu ar fi necesară majorității consumatorilor.
În perioada prohibiției ginul era foarte răspândit în SUA datorită metodei simple de producere.
Coacăzele, tonic general
Coacăzele ”sunt un tonic general. Stimulează formarea globulelor roşii. Ajută la creşterea în greutate și a oaselor la copii. Prin toate acestea, sunt foarte utile pentru cei doi poli ai vieţii, fiind indicate în alimentaţia celor mici, dar şi a vârstnicilor. Joacă și un rol important în prevenirea accidentelor vasculare. Efectul tonic se manifestă şi asupra sistemului nervos, constituind un remediu adjuvant în surmenajul intelectual. Pigmenţii pe care îi conțin duc la mărirea acuităţii vizuale, fiind utile celor care au probleme cu vederea sau lucrează mult la calculator. Sunt și diuretice, ceea ce le recomandă în afecțiuni renale. Sunt bune și împotriva tusei, gripei sau răcelilor”, spune farmacistul care spune că ar trebui consumate ca fructe proaspete sau ca suc. În plus, se poate face infuzie din fructe uscate: una-două linguriţe la o cană cu apă, din care se beau două-trei căni pe zi. Siropul este indicat pentru tuse și se prepară din suc de coacăze negre obţinut prin presare şi suprasaturat cu miere (75%). La nevoie, se iau câte două lingurițe la două ore. Altfel, poate fi băut diluat cu apă. Se păstrează timp de un an, când nu pierde decât 15% din vitamina C.