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"Goat Cheese Salad" - Goat Cheese Salad

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The slice of cheese, which must not be thicker than 1.5 cm to soften (try and with 1 cm it can melt more on the inside, I don't know yet if it doesn't deform being thinner). The cheese I used is moderately salty. Being a bit fresh, I drained it on a paper towel folded in 4. Beat the egg as for the omelet and add the milk. We give the cheese through flour, then through beaten egg with milk, then through breadcrumbs. And we repeat once again only that we give it only through egg + milk and then through breadcrumbs. We shake it lightly, so that the excess breadcrumbs fall off and so that the coating is uniform. We put it in a hot oil bath, at 180 degrees, and brown it on one side and the other, watching it so as not to burn it. The fire should be small because it browns very quickly and does not allow the cheese to soften.


Rub the mustard a little with the oil, add the vinegar, orange and lemon juice and the rest of the ingredients.


Cut the salad into thin strips, cut the onion and bell pepper into julienne and put the arugula whole. We mix them in a bowl. Mix well with the prepared dressing.


I already have "ready-made" sweet and sour pomegranate salad sauce, but I've researched for you how to prepare a vinaigrette. This would be a variant: Melt 30 g butter. Add wine and fruit. When they start to boil, add the sugar, bring to a low-medium heat and let them boil until it reaches the consistency of the jam syrup.


If we use pomegranate sauce, start with it by drawing some curls on the plate. We work fast because these stripes widen (you can see the difference from the first picture). With our hand we put a pile as high and round as possible on the center of the plate. Then sprinkle over the pile of salad finely chopped caramelized walnuts (assuming we have leftovers from the cakes).

If we use fruit vinaigrette instead of pomegranate sauce, we place berry vinaigrette in a circle around the salad. At the end, put the slice of breaded cheese over the salad.

Enjoy with pleasure!

Goat Cheese Calories

Calorie goat cheese. Moreover, goat cheese is an important source of vitamin b12. From calcium so well known that any health problem someone would have its level is among the first to be purified especially in women. Mascarpone is the main ingredient in many delicious desserts based on cream cheese but has the highest fat content of about 440 calories per hundred grams. Ideally if you replace cheddar with goat cheese it will be effectively reducing 200 to 300 calories from your diet 2.

And speaking of calories, 100 grams of goat cheese has only 60 calories compared to 200 calories of other types of cheese. Also as benefits, goat cheese is an extremely important source of mineral calcium essential for strengthening bones. Goat cheese contains fewer calories than any other form of cheese made using cow's milk. Food protein calories.

Calorie cheeses database with food calories. 0 goat cheese with broken herbs. Goat's cheese also has fewer calories, a 100 g serving has about 250 calories, much less than cow's or sheep's cheese. Cheese and its benefits calcium is basic.

Spinach and arugula salad

(Please scroll down for English version)

As I said, I discovered the arugula and I really liked it. And as you've probably noticed, I really like salads (and cakes, that's probably how calories are canceled).

I ate this salad a few years ago at a restaurant, as a garnish for grilled chicken. If I remember correctly, it was a Tyler Florence special. Instead of spinach, I used mixed spinach and arugula, and I made the dressing with honey and mustard at home.

I think you are now wondering what the dressing with honey and mustard is like, especially in combination with feta cheese. Even if you are not used to it, everything is possible to get used to. It is a combination of sweet and salty, maybe when, as children, you eat cheese with bread and drink sweet tea.
And if you like blue cheese, or goat cheese, this is the right salad.

1 good handful of fresh spinach leaves
1 arugula mana
1/3 cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
1/2 cup crushed feta cheese

Mix the greens with the cranberries, put the cheese on top and sprinkle with dressing.

Honey and mustard dressing:

5 tablespoons honey
4 tablespoons mustard (Dijon if you have it)
2 tablespoons rice vinegar (or 1 tablespoon wine vinegar)
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Mix honey, mustard and vinegar, and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Mixing with the whisk, add the oil little by little, until it is still incorporated.

As I was saying, I discovered arugula, and I liked it a lot. And as you may be noticed, I liked salads a lot (I love cakes too probably that & # 8217s how the calories balance).

I had this salad a few years ago at this restaurant, as a side dish for grilled chicken. If I remember correctly, it was a special Tyler Florence. Instead using only spinach, I mixed spinach and arugula, and the honey mustard dressing I made it home.

If you like blue cheese or goat cheese, this is a nice salad to use it instead of feta.

1 handful fresh baby spinach
1 handful arugula
1/3 cup dried cranberries (or raisins)
& # 189 cup feta cheese crumbles

Toss the greens and the cranberries, and sprinkle crumble feta on top. Drizzle the dressing and serve.

Homemade Honey mustard dressing:

5 tbsp honey
4 tbsp mustard (preferably Dijon)
2 tbsp rice vinegar
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Salt and pepper after taste

In a bowl mix the honey, mustard and vinegar, and sprinkle a little salt and pepper. Whisk continuously and add the oil little by little, until is all incorporated.

Sometimes there & # 8217s just a simple need for a cheesy fix.

I lay no claim to making the tart case, and frankly wish I could remember where I bought them. They were short and crisp and an ideal vehicle for a decent slice of goats cheese, browned (lower shelf in a medium oven) to the point of a sigh but not bubbling or collapsed.

Served on & # 8216fridge raid & # 8217 salad with a few seeds for texture, I added some braised figs that were cheered by their experience, having become a little lack luster. They are now over their abandonment issues.

Once the warm tarts were in place on their beds of salad. They were swiftly criss-cross drizzled with a dark balsamic, which has to be used before it completely drips out of vogue and becomes so & # 8216last week Dharlings & # 8217. The other is a drizzle of a sharp Raspberry dressing.

For the Raspberry dressing

To make the raspberry dressing, whizz about 10-15 raspberries in a little food processor (or mash and push through a sieve and then pass the goop through a disposable cloth / muslin in the sieve to contain the pips etc.). Combine the raspberry juice with 1-2 dessert spoons of cider vinegar and about the same of honey. Start with one spoon of each and taste the dressing, add the rest (or not) to adjust the sweet and sour notes to your liking.

Tip: Use the rest as a dipping sauce for tiny little bite size meringues as a pre dessert & # 8211 yum!

Goat Cheese Salad - Goat Cheese Salad (Bread) - Recipes

Salads are a delicious dish, easy and quick to prepare, but also so healthy. In my family, especially in summer, they are preferred in the evening instead of other dishes. If you want to prepare such a salad, here's what you need:
Salads are delicious. Besides, they are easy to make and so, so healthy. In our household, this is a favorite during Summer days, especially at dinner time. If you decide to have such a salad, here is what you need:

1/2 greenhouse cucumber or 3-4 garden cucumbers (1/2 a long cucumber or 3-4 small ones)
5 tomatoes
100g goat cheese
100g olives (olives)
200g yogurt (yogurt)
1 small bunch of dill
1 link green onion (bunch of leek stalks)

Cut the vegetables into slices and the telemeau into cubes, then add the olives and chopped onions to taste, you can also add bell peppers. There is no need to add salt, telemeau has enough, otherwise you risk having a very salty food. Make a yogurt sauce and finely chopped dill, which is placed over the salad. Mix and enjoy! :)
Slice the vegetables and dice the cheese, then add the olives and the chopped onion / leek if you like, you can add pepper. There's no need to add salt, as the goat cheese is pretty salty otherwise, you end up with a very salty dish. Make a sauce mixing the yogurt and the finely chopped dill and add it to the salad. Stir and enjoy! :)

How to win an ice cream machine - part two: participants

To analyze how much work was done on it, to relate all that work to the taste and appearance of the final product.

We are still judging, but, as we promised, today I publish recipes entered in the contest. All images are below.

1. Claudia Rusu- Vegan cocoa ice cream

My name is Claudia Rusu and I make a version of vegan cocoa ice cream, because my son only likes cocoa :)
-4 frozen bananas
-2 tablespoons good quality cocoa (I use alkalized)
-2 tablespoons coconut milk (I use from the box, without mixing it, the thicker part)
-3 dates previously soaked in water (about 1 hour)
-3 tablespoons cocoa nibs
-little rum (not essential)
-4-5 mint leaves
Everything in the blender for a few seconds and & # 8230 & # 8230that & # 8217s it!

2. Poparda Ioana Corina- Ice cream with lavender and oranges

500 ml of milk
11 g food starch
44 g Philadelphia cream cheese
a teaspoon of salt
313 ml liquid cream
1 teaspoon culinary lavender
1 teaspoon orange peel
2/3 cup sugar
30 ml honey (I replaced the proumb syrup with honey, the result was very good)

In a bowl, mix 2 teaspoons of milk with the starch. In another bowl, mix the cream cheese with the salt. Set aside the two mixtures.

In a saucepan, mix the rest of the milk with the whipped cream, sugar, lavender, orange peel and honey. Put on the fire and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved (4 minutes for a good consistency). Add the starch mixture. Put it back on the fire and leave it for about 1 minute, until it thickens.

Strain this mixture and pour over the cream cheese mixture. Press with a teaspoon, over the lavender mixture, to squeeze all the flavor. Mix everything and put the bowl in another with ice. Then, refrigerate for about 4 hours, then put the mixture in the ice cream machine.

It is a very good ice cream and I was very pleasantly surprised when I tasted it (I had some emotions regarding the combination)

Thank you! I wish you a nice day!

3. Ioana Grecu- Goat cheese and yogurt ice cream with baked mango and pineapple, fluffy pastry, pineapple coulis and hazelnuts and caramelized almonds in honey

For ice cream:
& # 8211 100g fresh goat cheese
& # 8211 1.5 cup Greek yogurt 10% (300-400g)
& # 8211 1/4 cup brown sugar
& # 8211 2 tablespoons brandy
& # 8211 3 egg yolks
& # 8211 little salt
& # 8211 a Coptic mango
& # 8211 half a ripe pineapple
& # 8211 a tablespoon of brown sugar

For pineapple coulis:
& # 8211 half a ripe pineapple
& # 8211 4-5 mint leaves
& # 8211 1/4 old cane
& # 8211 1 tablespoon lime juice

For fluffy dough
& # 8211 220g white flour
& # 8211 200g butter at room temperature
& # 8211 120g cold water
& # 8211 sare

For caramelized hazelnuts and almonds.
& # 8211 a tablespoon of good quality butter or oil
& # 8211 2 tablespoons honey
& # 8211 sare
& # 8211 100 g nuts and almonds

Put the yogurt in a fine sieve over a pot to drain the water overnight.

Bake the pineapple and mango over which I put a spoonful of sugar at 200 degrees C gas oven, wrapped in foil, for 15 minutes.
Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

Meanwhile we start to work the fluffy dough. We use flour, less 1/3 cup of it, which we set aside. Add a quarter of the butter at room temperature and add the flour with your fingers. Dissolve the salt in cold water, add water slowly, as much as is needed to reach a dough that comes off the edge of the bowl and is elastic and easy to handle.
On a lightly floured surface, knead the dough for about 3 minutes.
We put it on plastic wrap and spread it in the shape of a square with our fingers. Put it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes. (in my case he stayed overnight)
The remaining butter is mixed with the flour set aside and spread in a square between two baking sheets. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

The next morning we start making ice cream. We choose the 3 yolks, put them in a bowl and beat them.
Put the yogurt in a pot that now has less water in it, with the brown sugar and chew until it starts to boil slightly. We take it off the heat, and, slowly and stirring constantly, we pour it over the eggs. After mixing well, put the mixture back in the pot and bring to medium heat. Add salt and cognac and mix until it starts to thicken (about 5 minutes).
Pour the mixture over the goat cheese and mix well. Let it cool in a bowl of cold water for about 15 minutes and put it in the fridge where it should stay for at least three hours.

Let's finish the pastry dough. We work on a constantly floured surface so that the dough does not stick.
Roll the dough into a square in the center of which we will put the butter (diagonally). Butter, like dough, should be neither too soft (enough to separate the fat), nor too hard, enough to break. So we wait for it to reach the right temperature before continuing.
Bring the corners of the dough square to the center so that we cover the butter completely. We take care to seal the butter inside.
We roll in a long rectangle with a thickness of 1 cm which we then fold into three, like a letter. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Roll four more times in the form of a rectangle and fold as before, with the same period to be refrigerated.
After the last folding, it is rolled to a thickness of approximately 1.5 cm and 30 more are given to the refrigerator, after which it can be used in the shape we want.
Preheat the oven to 215 degrees C and grease the dough with a beaten egg with a tablespoon of cold water. Bake for 15 minutes then reduce the temperature to 175 degrees C and leave for another 10-15 minutes. Remove from the oven and place to cool on a grill.

For the coulis, put the pineapple with the sugar, fresh lime juice and mint in a pan and simmer until soft. Put in a blender and pass through a sieve, then cool.

Let's finish the ice cream.
Put the finished mixture earlier in ice trays for the freezer. We put it in the freezer for as long as it needs to harden (1 hour)
The fruits are also put in the freezer before being blended.

After about an hour we can pass the fruit, keep half of the paste and mix it with a tablespoon of alcohol and then put it in the ice tray in the freezer.

The rest of the mashed fruits are mixed with the ice cream and put in the freezer for another 30 minutes-1 hour.

Walnuts and almonds are given through the mixture of honey, melted butter / oil, salt and put in the oven heated to 170 degrees C for 15 minutes, checking that it does not burn. They are used as decoration.

Serve ice cream with pineapple and mint coulis, fruit paste, baked dough and caramelized hazelnuts.

If you keep it for a longer time, you will have to take it out of the freezer some time before serving and possibly pass it through the blender once more because it will harden.

Sources of inspiration: for how to prepare yogurt for goat cheese ice cream for fluffy pastry for how to get your ice cream without crystals of ice
David Lebovitz for how to make your creamy ice cream come out

6. Ana Crăciun- Black sesame ice cream

My name is Ana Craciun and I was delighted to find out about the organization of your contest with an innovative ice cream recipe as its theme, and I said that I would be happy to join you and your participants with my recipe. modest ice cream :)
I am sending you 2 pictures of ice cream attached to this e-mail, and below I write a few lines about the recipe and ice cream in general.

I can't say that I'm a lover of sweets, rather, I gladly devour everything that contains a higher dose of salt, and as little sugar as possible, but, paradoxically, a culinary delight always comes and interprets my preferences, namely ice cream..In winter or summer, in the cold or in the rain, I never refuse a pampering of the senses that I live every time I eat my favorite ice cream..I tried all kinds of combinations .. First I have them taken to leafing the ones from the trade, it would be unfair of me to say that I did not like them, and still very much, but each time I seemed to satisfy only my appetite, not the desire to enjoy something tasty, but also healthy..Then I challenged my imagination, and to see, I was not disappointed, on the contrary, it gave birth to a combination of ingredients, which finally snatched what is called full satisfaction ..

The recipe is as simple as possible:
1 1/5 glass of almond milk,
1/2 glass of black sesame seeds
1 cup cashew nuts
1-2 bananas
cinnamon or maca powder, or lucuma

First we prepare the almond milk from just 1 glass of almonds (which we soak in the evening) plus 2 glasses of water. Then, using a blender, grind the sesame seeds until you get a fine flour.
The next step is to mix all the ingredients in a blender until you get a delicious creamy composition, which must be left for 3 hours in the freezer. After 3 hours in the freezer, the composition is passed through the blender again, to then reach the freezer again for another 2 hours. Only after the 2 hours consumed, you can enjoy an ice cream that I like to call insane :)

12. Natalia Vanthienen- Mango sorbet

13. Adina Chiriliuc- Trio of ice cream with beets, pumpkin and cereal mix with nuts

My name is Adina and I am addicted to ice cream. Ever since I read the post, on Andie's blog, I wanted to participate, especially since my other passion enters the equation: photography.
And because autumn is coming, I thought of an ice cream that would capture its flavors and colors: pumpkin, beets and a mix of cereals with nuts. There is nothing new or unusual about it, but for me it was a start in rediscovering some ingredients.
It all started with a pumpkin. Until last year, all I knew how to make from it was pie. The classic one where you ended up with your fingers scratched on the grater. And as I was scouring the market for the right slice, I saw, in a corner of the stall, an old man selling a pumpkin. That's it. I felt sorry for him and I bought him so whole. Here I am with a 3.5kg pumpkin in my arms, thinking about what to do with it after the pie. Well, still a pie. But the American version. Then I took courage and got soup, salad, stew, etc. It was a week of anything but pumpkin.
I would have stories for the rest of the ingredients, but I'll stop here.

The ice cream recipe starts from a base made of milk, yolks, sugar, which my mother used to make as a child, in combination with various fruit purees. The mix of nuts and cereals is a classic Flapjack recipe (I adapted it from & # 8221 The Gilbert Scott - Book of British Food & # 8221, by Marcurs Wareing).

Pumpkin ice cream, beets and walnut mix with cereals

Ice cream base ingredients:
400gr whole milk
5 large yolks
100gr sugar

Beat the yolks with the sugar, bring the milk to the boil and then pour half of the amount, in a thin thread, over the egg and sugar mixture, stirring constantly. Pour the composition over the remaining milk and boil over low heat until it thickens slightly. Stir all this time. Leave to cool, preferably overnight.

In a tray lined with baking paper and greased with a little oil, put a generous slice of pumpkin and a beetroot, and bake for about 45 minutes at 170 degrees.

In a blender, pass, separately, the pumpkin (I had about 300gr of puree) with a spoonful of brown muscovaldo sugar, 1 2 lg cinnamon and 1 2 lg beet nut also with a spoonful of sugar and 1lg vanilla extract.

100gr butter
150gr oat flakes
100gr nuts, dried fruits (I put almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cranberries)
60gr brown sugar

Melt the butter with the sugar, add the oatmeal and chopped walnuts, and mix. Put the composition in a small tray (20 25), press well and put in the oven for 20-25 min.
Leave it to cool, then you can cut it into bars, and a part is crushed for ice cream.

Divide the ice cream base into 3 pans and mix one part with the pumpkin puree, one part with the beets and the other with the walnut mix. Put the pans in the freezer. Because I don't have an ice cream machine, after an hour I put the composition back in the blender, one by one, for a better homogenization, and I repeated the operation after a few more hours. Deserved.

14. Toma Zgarcibaba- Vegan ice cream with mango

My message may surprise you, especially since it comes from a man, my name being Toma Zgarcibaba, but finding out about your ice cream contest and intuition telling me that you may not have too many male participants in this contest, I said to try my luck that maybe, the last one will be the first one? :)

I found out about your contest and I was inspired by the recipe on Natalia's blog,, a recipe that I found incredible with the minimum of ingredients, and how I made the market yesterday and among the shopping there were some mango fruits, I said to try to make an ice cream, a first ice cream by the way, to surprise this time not only my loved ones, but I hope, and d- your:)

The recipe for my ice cream is as follows:
2/3 cup almonds,
1 glass cashew nuts,
1 3/4 separate glass,
1 tablespoon soy lecithin (optional),
1 tablespoon vanilla powder,
a little salt,
2 mango fruits

In the evening, soak the almonds and cashews separately. The next day throw away the water and wash well in another clean water. From almonds and water, we make almond milk, which, together with all the other ingredients, except for the mango fruits, we put in a mixer. The resulting cream, put it in a bowl and put it in the freezer for 2-3 hours. After this time, remove the composition from the freezer and mix well with a spoon, then put it back in the freezer. In another bowl, put the 2 mango fruits, sliced, in the freezer. After 2 hours, remove both dishes from the freezer, and put their composition in a blender, where it mixes well, or mix the 2 compositions very well with a spoon and the ice cream is ready! Good appetite!

These are the recipes submitted for the ice cream contest opened on August 5, 2013 and closed on August 31, 2013.

I cannot end this post without thanking you for your participation and enthusiasm. Also, do not publish it without mentioning that there was a clumsy attempt at fraud. And when I say awkward I mean that my eye as a photo reviewer can see the similarities of style, identical vessels and other small details that can give away a person who, although asked to send a single recipe, sent 3 (even 4).

Prescriptions published before August 5 will not be included in the jury. This is presented in the opening position of the contest.

We are now quietly retiring to ours, and on Thursday, September 5, 2013, I will publish the name of the winner.

In case I missed a recipe, please let me know at the email contest.kissthecook [at]

The jury.
1. Claudia Rusu- Vegan cocoa ice cream
2. Poparda Ioana Corina- Ice cream with lavender and oranges

3. Ioana Grecu- Goat cheese and yogurt ice cream with baked mango and pineapple, fluffy pastry, pineapple coulis and hazelnuts and caramelized almonds in honey
3. Ioana Grecu- Goat cheese and yogurt ice cream with baked mango and pineapple, fluffy pastry, pineapple coulis and hazelnuts and caramelized almonds in honey
4. Mariana Rusu- Ice cream with cream cheese and cherries

4. Mariana Rusu- Ice cream with cream cheese and cherries
5. Alex Juncu- Sweet milk ice cream
5. Alex Juncu- Sweet milk ice cream

5. Alex Juncu- Sweet milk ice cream
6. Ana Crăciun- Black sesame ice cream
6. Ana Crăciun- Black sesame ice cream

7. Mihaela Soare- Sea buckthorn and raspberry ice cream
7. Mihaela Soare- Sea buckthorn and raspberry ice cream
7. Mihaela Soare- Sea buckthorn and raspberry ice cream

8. Paula Gafițescu- Ice cream with lemon curd and chocolate
8. Paula Gafițescu- Ice cream with lemon curd and chocolate
8. Paula Gafițescu- Ice cream with lemon curd and chocolate

9. Monica Roșu- Cucumber, shock and tequila ice cream
9. Monica Roșu- Cucumber, shock and tequila ice cream
10. Mihaela Cercel- Walnut ice cream and burnt sugar sauce

10. Mihaela Cercel- Walnut ice cream and burnt sugar sauce
11. Cătălina B (so) - Sheep cheese ice cream
11. Cătălina B (so) - Sheep cheese ice cream

12. Natalia Vanthienen- Mango sorbet
12. Natalia Vanthienen- Mango sorbet
13. Adina Chiriliuc- Trio of ice cream with beets, pumpkin and cereal mix with nuts

13. Adina Chiriliuc- Trio of ice cream with beets, pumpkin and cereal mix with nuts
13. Adina Chiriliuc- Trio of ice cream with beets, pumpkin and cereal mix with nuts
14. Toma Zgarcibaba- Vegan ice cream with mango

15. Corina Simion- Hazelnut ice cream
15. Corina Simion- Hazelnut ice cream
16. Miha Simiuc- Caramel ice cream and caramelized meringue

16. Miha Simiuc- Caramel ice cream and caramelized meringue
17. Andreea Juganaru- Coconut and rose ice cream
17. Andreea Juganaru- Coconut and rose ice cream

17. Andreea Juganaru- Coconut and rose ice cream
18. Ileana Corcoțoi- Dried tomato and basil ice cream
18. Ileana Corcoțoi- Dried tomato and basil ice cream

18. Ileana Corcoțoi- Dried tomato and basil ice cream
19. Creţu Veronica- Raisin and rum ice cream
19. Cretu Veronica- Raisin and rum ice cream

20. Macy Mac - Raw chocolate, caramel, banana ice cream cake with goji coulis
20. Macy Mac - Raw chocolate, caramel, banana ice cream cake with goji coulis
20. Macy Mac - Raw chocolate, caramel, banana ice cream cake with goji coulis

Goat Cheese Salad - Goat Cheese Salad (Bread) - Recipes

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dressing for Caesar salad

Simple to make at home, very tasty and easy to make friends with different ingredients, apart from the classic salad.

Let's start with the ingredients for an ultra fast mayonnaise:
- from a whole egg, a teaspoon of mustard and 200ml grape seed oil / sunflower / light olive oil.

All the above are put in a deep container and with the help of the vertical blender mix in a fabulous mayonnaise, in less than 1 minute.
On Gabriela Cara's blog you can also find the video that inspired me. Thank you very much!

Ingredient for dressing:
- 2-3 anchovy fillets in chopped oil
- 2-3 cloves of finely chopped garlic
- 2/3 of the juice from a lemon
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- if necessary, add salt
- add the pepper directly to the salad

- all the ingredients are added to the mayonnaise above and the dressing is then served to your liking. :)

Here I used the sauce in a salad of Romanian leaves (finely broken) + walnut kernels + cherry tomatoes cut in half + grated Parmesan.

First I mix with a little sauce only the romaine leaves, then I decorate it with the rest of the ingredients and I add a little more dressing.


How good it must be! The salad season has started and I needed such a dressing.

I would allow myself to make a small comment, I hope you don't mind. classic caesar salad is made without mayonnaise, only with raw or boiled egg yolk, about 1 minute. mix the green salad with the yolks and then add the rest of the dressing. your variant is a kind of neweau caesar. , are the garlic and fried croutons. here is a history of this famous salad.http: //

Servus Pansy,
I'm not upset, it doesn't cause you any problems. I presented only the dressing for Caesar salad, not the salad itself. :)
I've seen the dressing made this way at some of the chefs I follow on foodnetwork and I really like the taste.

Andreea, if you have the time and the mood, I look forward to participating in the "Sweet Romania" challenge for May, organized by me :) I kiss you, the salad looks great, I like that you varied the sauce a little :)

Alina thank you for the invitation! I do not promise that I can participate but I will try to do it. :)

I love this dressing, I often use it for more salads. The best ever! :) Many kisses ! : *: *: *

Hello Andreea,
Allow me again to appeal to your experience in the kitchen.
My husband keeps telling me about a homemade drink called "BRIG".
He doesn't know much, except that a Turk prepares it and, as he described it to me, it is a little shocking, meaning it is light in color, sweet and slightly sour, from a natural ferment.
Now, I asked you too. no one seems to know. Anyway, I'm so glad to know that, & quotin something & quot; you're here. At my first cry for help, you answered me faster than an old friend. beautiful character you acquired. Congratulations on that, more than anything.

Caty, you got me in trouble. :)
I never did braga! All I can suggest is to rummage through my cookbooks for a recipe.

Thank you very much Andreea, I apologize for not responding to your kindness regarding the "quotaga" recipe, but I had to go to Romania, I'll be back next month. but I follow with pleasure whenever I have the opportunity on the net, that I have my laptop with me and your site is a favorites bar.


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French fries with parsley / Wedges potatoes

Cartofi prajiti cu patrunjel si parmezan

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My spicey world

nu prea stiam la ce sa ma astept cand m-am apucat de salata asta.
dar vreau sa spun ca am sa o repet .

dovleac de placinta
piept de pui
ceapa verde
ardei kapia rosu
ulei de porumb
seminte de susan prajite

dovleacul cubulete se caleste in putin ulei de porumb si se sareaza dupa gust
separat se prajeste pieptul de pui in fff putin ulei de porumb si cand e gata se pune zataar pe el
se pune dovleacul pe farfurie,ceapa verde deaupra,ardeiul apoi pieptul de adauga iaurt semintele de susan prajite si piper
good appetite!

i did not knew what to expect when i started make this salad.
bu i wanna say that i will repeat it.

orange pumpkin
chicken breast
spring onion
red kapia pepper
roasted sesame seeds
corn oil
zataar,salt,black pepper

Hard Rock Cafe lanseaza un nou meniu

Hard Rock Cafe Bucuresti lanseaza o provocare a gusturilor, intr-o noua varianta de meniu

Pentru a le oferi clientilor sai experienta unui spectacol de arome, Hard Rock Cafe Bucuresti lanseaza o noua varianta de meniu, mai bogata in retete apetisante, mai indrazneata in savoare si mai irezistibila ca niciodata! Produsele noi, ingredientele proaspete si aromele originale va garanteaza ca acesta este cel mai potrivit moment pentru a vizita renumitul restaurant din Parcul Herastrau.

Hard Rock Cafe anunta diversificarea celebrului lor meniu, cu noi preparate gustoase si gatite integral in bucataria restaurantului, menite sa completeze stilul original al brandului atat de indragit de catre fanii din intreaga lume. Noua varianta de meniu nu prezinta doar un design nou, ci si cele trei principii care stau la baza bucatariei Hard Rock Cafe:

* Sa fie proaspat! – Ingredientele proaspete, naturale si alese cu grija sunt obligatorii in meniu, bucatarii fiind intotdeauna preocupati ca produsele pe care le folosesc in retete sa fie de cea mai buna calitate.
* Sa fie legendar! – Celebrul burger de aproape 300 gr. a ajuns sa fie numit, de catre cei care l-au gustat de-a lungul a peste patruzeci de ani, drept unul cu adevarat “legendar”. Acum, odata cu lansarea noului meniu, experienta legendara oferita de burger este si mai intensa – carnea de vita poate fi inlocuita cu piept de pui gatit perfect la gratar.
* Sa fie afumat! – La fel ca-n Tennessee, afumatoarea isi are locul ei in bucatarie. Astfel, bucatarii obtin de fiecare data aroma rustica de fum al fiecarui produs pregatit in stil traditional.

“Pe langa momentele electrizante care au loc pe scenele noastre, ne propunem ca oaspetii HRC sa aiba parte de experiente spectaculoase si la masa.” a declarat Jason Gronlund, Executive Chef la Hard Rock International. Noile produse din meniu demonstreaza promisiunea noastra de a folosi cele mai bune ingrediente si de a servi preparate unice si pline de savoare.”

Iata cateva dintre surprizele noului meniu:

Retete “Feeling fresh”, cu ingrediente proaspete si naturale:

*Honey-Citrus Grilled Chicken Salad Frunze de salata proaspat taiate, ceapa rosie si piept de pui Cajun la gratar, indulcite cu sos Honey-Citrus si asezonate cu bucati de portocala, nuca picanta, ardei gras, merisoare si dressing Blue Cheese.
Goat Cheese Chicken Salad Sandwich– Bucatele din piept de pui cu telina, ceapa verde si un sos de citrice cu mustar de Dijon si marar proaspat intr-o bagheta prajita alaturi de un amestec de salata primavaratica, merisoare si branza proaspata de capra.
Beer Battered Fish & Chips– File de cod pane rumen auriu, servit cu cartofi prajiti, sos tartar acrisor si salata de casa Coleslaw.

Retete “A little bit smokey”, cu carne afumata dupa metoda traditionala:

Shang Hi Smokehouse Sandwich – Fasii din pulpa de porc sau de pui afumata pana la fragezime, combinate cu un sos asiatic Bar-B-Que, castraveti murati si stropite cu maioneza Sriracha.
South Carolina Smokehouse Sandwich – Fasii din pulpa de porc sau de pui afumata, cu sos de mustar Bar-B-Que, preparat in stil South Carolina, salata de varza dulce acrisoara si ceapa crocanta.
The Texan Smokehouse Sandwich – Fasii din pulpa de porc sau de pui afumata, sos Bar-B-Que Chipotle, branza Cheddar, Jalapenos si ceapa crocanta.
Smokehouse Chop Salad– Un amestec de salata primavaratica cu pulpe de pui afumate, bacon si nuci picante, branza Cheddar si Pico de Gallo. Combinate cu sos de citrice si bucati proaspete de avocado.

Deserturi “Sweet dreams”:

*Chocolate Mousse Simplu si usor: mousse de ciocolata servit cu un sos fin de ciocolata.
Strawberry Cheesecake Prajitura originara din New York, cu branza cremoasa si o usoara crusta de biscuiti crocanti, stropita la final cu sos de capsuni.
Crème Brulée– O crema fina preparata in stil frantuzesc, acoperita de o crusta aurie de zahar ars.

Noile produse se vor alatura colectiei de retete culinare deja cunoscuta si indragita de fanii Hard Rock. Pe langa deliciile pregatite in bucatarie, meniul include si unele dintre cele mai apreciate bauturi, precum Hurricane sau Margarita si cocktailuri Rock Alternativ (fara alcool), care sunt disponibile si in pahare suvenir.