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Blue countertop:
Mix the egg whites with a little salt for 5 minutes.
Add the caster sugar and the vanilla sugar, the butter cut into cubes, continuing to mix until the mixture is homogenous.
Mix the flour with the baking powder and gradually sprinkle it over the egg whites, alternating with the milk. Add food coloring until you get the desired color and mix lightly with a spoon.
Wallpaper a tray with baking paper and put in the preheated oven at 170 C for 25 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test and leaves to cool.
Countertop 2:
Proceed in the same way as for the blue countertop without adding food coloring.
Cream 1
Melt the white chocolate with 150 ml of liquid cream and leave it to cool.
Hydrate the gelatin in 100 ml of cold water for 10 minutes. Then heat it a little (not to exceed 40 C)
Pass the strawberries finely (I used the blender) and add gelatin over them.
Separately mix the rest of the whipped cream with vanilla essence, add the white chocolate, then add the strawberries, mixing lightly with a spatula.
Cream 2
Boil the fruit until the left syrup binds.
Put the gelatin to hydrate for 10 minutes in 200 ml of cold water.
Whip the cream.
Heat the gelatin a little (not to exceed 40 C) and mix it with the yogurt.
Mix all the ingredients well together until smooth
1. The tray (diameter of 28 cm) in which the countertops were baked is lined with food foil, the blue countertop is placed, we syrup it with a little plum compote, we pour the first cream and we put it in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
2. Top 2 is cut in 2, place one part over the first cream, pour the 2nd cream, finish with the remaining top. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours.
3. Prepare the icing according to the instructions on the envelope and pour it over the cake to homogenize it.
4. Whip the whipped cream together with a little food coloring and garnish on the edge.
Great appetite!
Cake Cookie Monster
Chyba jeszcze nigdy nie było przepisu na tort. Pewnie dlatego, że jakoś bardzo ich nie lubię, a już najmniej w tej klasycznej wersji, czyli biszkoptowej. Dlatego bazą nie jest biszkopt, a ciasto ucierane. Muszę powiedzieć, że trochę poeksperymentowałam, lecz efekt mnie bardzo zadowolił.
A dlaczego Cookie Monster? To ukochana postać z Ulicy Sezamkowej, no może poza rozbrajającym Elmo. Kiedy mój syn, dorosły chłop, zobaczył taki tort na pewnym portalu, krzyknął: - O, właśnie taki chcę na moje urodziny! Zrobisz mi mamo? Popatrzyłam, pomyślałam i postanowiłam podjąć wyzwanie.
Tort robi się prosto i nie wymaga on wielkich umiejętności decoratorskich. To akurat dla mnie ważne, bo mam tzw. dwie lewe ręce. Co prawda niebieski barwnik może powodować, że większość kuchni oraz dekorator są niebiescy, ale efekt końcowy jest wart poświęcenia. Mina kazdego, bez względu na wiek, jest naprawdę warta wysiłku włożonego w przygotowanie tortu.
¾ szklanki niesolonego masła
1¾ szklanki bardzo drobnego cukru do pieczenia
2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia
2 łyżeczki ekstraktu waniliowego
Łyżeczki extract migdałowego
¾ szklanki drobnych chipsów z czekolady mlecznej
2 szklanki mocno schłodzonej kremówki
1 łyżeczka niebieskiego barwnika w żelu
2 br & m M & ampM’s (te bez orzechów)
1 szklanka chipsów czekoladowych (ja dałam gorzką czekoladę)
Czas przygotowania: 2 godziny
Czas pieczenia: 15-20 min
Porcje: 8-12 osób
Zacznij od ciasta: Piekarnik nagrzej do 350 st. F. Przygotuj dwie okrągłe formy, kasda o średnicy 8 cali, najlepiej wyłóż je na dole papierem do pieczenia.
Masło utrzyj, aż będzie napowietrzone i nieco zwiększy swoją objętość, dodaj cukier i dalej ubijaj. Następnie dodawaj po jednym białku i po kazdym starannie utrzyj masę. Teraz stopniowo dodawaj mąkę wymieszaną z proszkiem do pieczenia i solą. Całość ma się połączyć.
Na końcu wlej mleko, ekstrakt waniliowy i migdałowy, wymieszaj delikatnie całość. Ciasto ma być jednolite.
Do gotowego ciasta dodaj chipsy czekoladowe, wymieszaj szpatułką.
Ciasto podziel na pół i włóż do form, wyrównaj wierzch. Możesz uderzyć formą 2-3 razy o blat, żeby odpowietrzyć ciasto, dzięki temu będzie równe.
Ciasto włóż do nagrzanego piekarnika na 15-20 min. Przed wyjęciem sprawdź patyczkiem, czy się dobrze upiekło.
Upieczone zostaw w formie na 5-10 minut, a następnie przenieść na kratkę i zostaw do całkowitego ostygnięcia.
Kiedy ciasto jest już wystudzone, kazdy z placków przekrój wzdłuż na pół.
Listek żelatyny namocz w zimnej wodzie na kilka minut.
Mascarpone ubij, żeby je spulchnić. Następnie cały czas ucierając robotem lub mixerem wlewaj śmietankę i miksuj tak długo, aż masa będzie zwarta.
Zelatynę odciśnij i podgrzej lekko w mikrofalówce, aż będzie płynna. Dodaj do niej 2-3 łyżeczki masy (najlepiej rób to po jednej), wymieszaj i dopiero wtedy dodaj do całości masy. Wymieszaj.
Na końcu dodaj barwnik. Warto dodawać go po pół łyżeczki, żeby krem nie wyszedł zbyt ciemny.
Gotową masę rozsmaruj na plackach, składając je w tort. Rozsmaruj również na bokach tortu i na jego wierzchu.
Tort włóż do lodówki, żeby się schłodził, ok. 1 godziny.
Czekoladę i śmietankę włóż do naczynia, w którym można podgrzewać w mikrofali. Rozpuszczaj czekoladę interwałami: 30 sekund - zamieszaj - 10 sekund - zamieszaj - itd., Aż ganache będzie płynny. Powoli wylewaj na wierzch tortu.
Rozłóż 2 ciastka oreo. Do połówek, na których zostało nadzienie, przyklej brązowe M & ampM’s, wzorując się na oczach Cookie Monstera. Ułóż je na wierzchu ciasta wtykając w ganache.
In addition to the oreo, you can use the “chocolate chip cookies”, which are also available in Cookie Monster.
Tort włóż do lodówki, żeby ganache zastygł.
Ciasto można przechowywać 2-3 dni w lodówce, ale lepiej umieścić je w pojemniku, bo szybko obsycha.
Kasia Marks
Gotowanie nie od razu stało się moją pasją. Byłam za to radosnym konsumentem pierogów babi Anieli. I pewnie byłoby tak do dziś, gdyby nie opakowanie ryżu i pierwsze kotlety ryżowe (okropne). Tak właśnie zaczęły się moje przygody kuchenne. Ziarno (także ryżu) zostało zasiane i od tamtej pory coraz częściej i coraz śmielej poczynałam sobie w kuchni. Przez lata upiekłam wiele ciast i ugotowałam wiele dań. Zakochałam się w kuchni Indii i basenu Morza Śródziemnego. Ale nadal pozostaję bliska polskiej, domowej kuchni, choć chyba moje pierogi nigdy nie dorównają tym babcinym. Na co dzień jestem mamą nastolatka i pracuję jako redaktor w serwisie internetowym.
Monster Cupcakes Cookie & # 8211 Step by Step Recipe
If you like my recipes, please Like and follow my facebook page Simonacallas, where I offer you every day sources of inspiration for the menus of the day, menus of occasion or recipeit's special. I also invite you to join the SimonaCallas Grup Oficial, where I can answer your questions, give you culinary advice and prepare beautiful contests for you, with interesting prizes.
Cake Cookie Monster
What starts with the letter C, is it blue and a big cookie eater? Cookie Monster, the favorite of those who watched the famous children's television series & # 8216Sesame Street & # 8221 and the subject of the setting that I propose to you this time.
The cake itself can have any combination you like. I used the recipe here where I replaced the jelly with pieces of fresh fruit.
Cheese cream:
- 400 g of cream cheese at room temperature
- 200 g butter 82% fat at room temperature
- 150 g powdered sugar
- vanilla essence
- blue gel dye
Eyes and mouth:
- about 70 g gumpaste (sugar paste for modeling)
- black gel dye
- chocolate biscuits
- corn starch
- toothpicks
- 1 small round shape for cutting the pupils (I used a dui)
- 1 round shape for mouth cutting (I used a glass)
How to prepare cream cheese:
In a large bowl, mix the butter with the powdered sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. In a separate bowl, beat the cream cheese in which we gradually add the butter. We don't forget the vanilla essence to taste. I put half the ampoule.
Use some of the cream cheese to coat the cake in a thin layer and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes. The rest of the cream is colored by adding a very small amount of blue gel dye, homogenize and then add as needed, until we get the color we want.
After the first layer of cream has hardened a bit, we add another thin layer of colored cream that has the role of masking any gaps that may appear when we create the monster's fur. Let cool for another 20-30 minutes while we take care of the eyes and mouth.
From the gumpaste we weighed 2 donuts of 25 g each, which we modeled as evenly as possible. For the mouth I used about 20 g of gumpaste, which I colored using black gel dye. If you find that the paste becomes sticky and you can no longer work with it you can add a little starch but without exaggerating because it will discolor the paste.
We spread the black paste in a thin sheet from which we cut the pupils and the mouth. We glue the pupils with a little water. We take care of the mouth now and form a small hole in which we will place half a chocolate chip cookie. The mouth sticks to the cake directly on the cream. If you think it does not adhere well enough you can moisten with a sugar paste brush.
For the fur I used a dui for the grass. You may need to put the cake in the fridge from time to time to fix the fur on the cake and from now on I warn you that the hardest part will be around the mouth.
When we have completely covered the cake with the fur, all we have to do is place the eyes and fix half a biscuit with toothpicks. With a little cream you can create the eyebrows for an extra size and let it cool for a few hours.
I advise you to clean the plate only after the cream has hardened well. I use the blade of a small knife and then a napkin moistened with warm water.
The little monster is ready! Isn't he nice?
A cookie with a monster cookie is a unique and tasty way to celebrate a birthday. The basic cake is easy to make and, while the decorations are light and, it takes a little patience to create the ice cream. The wonderful thing about this cake is that cookies and other goodies are part of the decorations, so there is even a tasty dessert for people who don't like the cake. This recipe can also be adapted to other characters by changing the color of the glaze and the decorations.
Chocolate cake
- 2 cups (450 g) sugar
- 1 & # 190 cups (219 g) flour for universal use
- & # 190 cup (89 g) cocoa powder
- 1 & # 189 teaspoons (6 g) baking powder
- 1 & # 189 teaspoons (8 g) baking soda
- 1 teaspoon (6 g) salt
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup (237 ml) milk
- & # 189 cup (119 ml) vegetable oil
- 2 teaspoons (10 ml) vanilla extract
- 1 cup (237 ml) boiling water
- 1 cup (227 g) unsalted butter, soaked
- 3 p & # 226 to 4 cups (375 p & # 226 to 500 g) powdered sugar
- & # 188 teaspoon (1.25 g) table salt
- 1 tablespoon (15 ml) vanilla extract
- 4 tablespoons (60 ml) milk
- Blue food coloring
- Black food coloring
- 2 chocolate cakes
Part 1 of 3: Baking the chocolate cake
- The less you stir and beat the dough, the lighter and fluffier the cake will be. Gluten develops over the flour mixture, which can make a thick, heavy cake.
- You can use a tel & # 238n instead of electric beaters to combine all the ingredients, but make sure you beat hard to combine everything properly. If you use a stand mixer instead, use the paddle attachment to make the dough.
Part 2 of 3: Making & # 238freezes
- Beat the icing on medium speed for about three minutes. This will ensure that all the ingredients are completely incorporated and will make the ice cream light and fluffy.
- For freezing too thick, beat more milk. Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) at a time, until the icing is light, airy and easy to spread.
- To freeze too much, beat the remaining cup of sugar in the cup steps (31 g) until you get the right consistency.
- & # 206n & # 190 cup of icing, add five drops of black food coloring and beat to combine. Add another five drops, if necessary, repeat until you have black ice.
- The white icing does not have to be colored, but you can add chocolate cakes to the mixture. Place the three cookies in a sealable bag and break them into pieces the size of a pea. Bend the biscuit pieces in the white icing until they are evenly distributed.
Part 3 of 3: Assembling and decorating the cake
- Turn the cake in a circle to make sure no chocolate cake appears under the ice.
- Leave about half of the blue glaze so you can make the fur.
- With the ice cream knife, smooth the black icing so that there are no traces of pipes.
- Do not clean the pastry bag with black glaze until you do not make the pupils for the eyes.
- If you do not have a pastry bag, use a sealable plastic bag instead. Fill the bag with glaze and push all the glaze into the lower right corner of the bag. With sharp scissors, remove the corner of the bag so that you can remove the ice.
- Apply matte fur around the black broom you left for the cookie monster's mouth. Do not cover your mouth with blue fur.
- The pupils of the cookie monster are always tilted and slightly crossed. For the left eye, position the pupil in the lower right half of the candy melt. On the right eye, place the student in the upper left half of the candy melt.
- & # 206before serving the cake, break the remaining chocolate cakes and sprinkle the crumbs and pieces around the cake on the serving plate.
Monster Cookie Cake - Recipes
At the insistence of my fans I started posting again :)))
- 600 g flour
- 2 eggs
- 200 butter
- 200 ml of milk
- 1 sachet of dry yeast
- juice of half a lemon
- a little salt
- 300 g cold smoked salmon
- 100 g tuna in its own juice
- 200 g feta cheese
- 100 g telemea
- 1 bunch of parsley
- optional 1 egg
- Heat the milk together with a butter.
- Rub the eggs well with a little salt over which you add the lemon juice and the milk in which we melted the butter, mixing the composition well.
- Pour water mixture mixed with dry yeast over the composition and knead. The result is a slightly sticky dough. Leave to cool for an hour.
- The salmon is cut into thick strips of a finger, the parsley is cut coarsely, the tuna is peeled and the cheese is crushed by hand. Mix the ingredients well in a bowl (you can add an egg to better bind the composition).
- Preheat oven to 170 degrees (medium)
- Sprinkle flour on the work table and on the rolling pin and divide the dough into 3 parts and then spread it not very thin. Put the dough in the shape of a tart and add the filling.
- Bake for 30 minutes or until lightly browned.
The taste is spectacular. so good that the little one ate a tart himself!
Raspberries are in the top of my preferences when it comes to fruits and as it is now their season I really enjoy it. This time I chose two partners to match the dark chocolate and white chocolate, next to & hellip
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Welcome to my blog!
I'm Mihaela, a great amateur
cake, cake design and food photography.
I hope you like what you find here :)
30 Cute and creative ideas for pregnancy announcement
Pregnancy is, without a doubt, one of the most important moments in a woman's life. Although the idea of having a child is not the dream of all women, this period is strongly involved in an emotional problem and sensitive to all from this moment a woman goes to charge and be responsible for another life.
Discovering and announcing the pregnancy for father, family and friends is the first step to celebrating the new life that is coming, so it must be special.
With creativity and affection, it is possible to whim in ideas and make the announcement of the task unforgettable for you and for those you love. Funny pictures, books, pregnancy prints. Regardless of the form, it is important to record that moment so special and unique.
Check out 30 cool and creative ideas to announce the task to the people you care about and save that moment as it deserves.
1. Ultrasound distribution: say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so nothing better than the first picture of your child to announce the arrival of a new life. Giving your children and friends ultrasound copies is one of the simplest and clearest ways to get everyone to the news.
To make a more special moment, invest in a beautiful envelope and create a little suspense before opening it, with harsh curiosity the surprise will be even greater!
Father's Day Card 2: news her husband deserves a special idea, one way to announce the task is to present him with a Father's Day card, plus the option to buy the card, you can the same produce it, giving a personal note to the present. When you give him the card, let him understand the news on his own, if possible, record the moment and the reaction of the future father.
3. Countdown: again, the announcement is made through images. Counting the days until birth is a simple and easy to reproduce idea. Counting can be done in different ways: a counting calendar (from 1 to 40, depending on weeks of gestation), platelets with the number of weeks left, as you see fit, it is important to create, actions and / or shooting the counting object and counting with family and friends.
4. T-shirts: Stamping t-shirts with a fun phrase or drawing is also a simple way to announce the task. The piece can serve as a gift for the future father, grandfather or grandmother as a uniform for the family number (1 player, player 2 and 3 player) can contain the estimated date of birth or expressions such as "soon", "we are hungry", "upload" and other fun and cute ideas.
5. mathematical equation: photography couple and their children (if not the first) with numbered plates that form a mathematical equation, which eventually leads to a number more than the actual sum of the people in the picture is a subtle and fun way to spread the expectations of a new family member. In addition to serving as a recording, photography is a great way to tell those closest to the news.
6. Booties: A fairly common visual representation of pregnancy is the baby's shoes. Alone or combined with parents' feet, it always generates delicate and graceful photos. To renew the idea, invest in colored shoes or even if they are the same for all family members.
7. Surprising image: with fever autoies recording everyday moments is a mania shared by many. A creative way to announce your pregnancy to your husband is to invite you to a photo, instead of saying "Crux", say "I'm pregnant", and a simple and easy idea allows you to record the reaction of her husband and future father. this can also be done with other family members in a group photo.
8. Glasses: Another photo that can represent the arrival of a child is to combine two cups and a bottle or two large and one small cup. The idea, apart from being simple, is super cute and easy to reproduce, just choose the cups or glasses, position them and take photos. To tell your friends and family just to have children and share the photo.
9. Empty chair: Recording empty space in family photos is a great way to spread new life. In addition to the empty seat to represent the absence of one of the members, the photo can obtain more evidence by adding the date of birth to the empty place or until the arrival of the little one who will occupy that place.
10. Save the date: Recording photos in a way, the date of your child's birth, can be a way to tell the family and involve them in waiting for the arrival of this new member. They are also a wonderful memory for the couple and their baby.
11. Balloons: Another way to announce your task is to use elements related to the children's universe. One such element is balloons. It is possible to either write on the bottom of the balloons an expression related to pregnancy or the expected date of birth, how to use the colors blue and pink to cast doubt on the sex of the baby and give them subtly to everyone's news.
12. Hidden in food: one of the most creative ideas for announcing a father's pregnancy hides this message in food. There are different options for this: it is possible to write on the plate (or cup, glass, etc.) so that it is covered with food, to position the message on cutlery that requires special attention from the person or to write directly on the product. Another alternative is to paste the message into a lucky cookie.
This idea can also be used to spread the word to other family members or circle of friends, just invite them to eat at your home and hide the message in each person.
13. Crazy mix of flavors: A feature of pregnancy is the possibility of strange desires, illustrating this situation in a photo is a very simple and creative way to tell others about pregnancy. Gather dishes that are not usually served, take the picture and share with friends and family, it may take some time to understand the message, but as soon as they find out, it will be joy.
14. Counting plates: When using family member counting plates, it is possible to reveal the pregnancy through a delicate photograph. The idea is easy to reproduce, just write the children's order on a medium (picture, paper) and the last one should represent the new member of the family, being positioned in front of the mother's belly.
15. Use social media to your advantage: with the great popularization of social networks (Facebook, What is the app, etc.) you can use them as a means to announce the task to distant relatives and friends or even the practice of reporting to everyone (both those close and those who live far away).
Using creativity, you can produce a poster, a video, a photo or a text that somehow conveys the news and shares it online through a social network.
16. The word was in your brother's hand: If you're not your first child, it's a good idea to let your older brother (or siblings) break the news, either by talking or through pictures. The idea is to make advertising easier because it is made by a child, as well as to establish a good relationship of the older brother with the arrival of a new child. Making your eldest son feel important and part of this new phase is the first step to avoiding the possibility of jealousy or feelings of exclusion.
17. "Older brother" card: Even in the case of couples who have had children, it is possible to count on the eldest to announce the pregnancy, using signs indicating the arrival of the younger brother. They may contain expressions such as "super brother", "promoted to older sister" or show that the younger brother has become the middle brother. The advantages of the idea are the simplicity and spontaneity of the children.
18. "Every superhero needs a partner": as a result of online advertising, with the help of siblings, parents who already have a child can use the phrase "any superhero needs a partner" to demonstrate the arrival of new life. In addition to being a great idea, it helps the brother or sister to assimilate and take better care of the child's arrival.
19. Funny pictures: Fear of the father or continuous belly growth are some fun ways to keep pregnancy souvenirs. The idea of photographing fun moments and sharing these images with family and friends is a great way to tell them about your pregnancy and convey your happiness to everyone.
20. New titles: During pregnancy, family members gain new titles: the husband becomes the father, the wife becomes the mother, the mother-in-law becomes the grandmother, and so on. One idea to tell everyone about pregnancy is to highlight these new roles. This can be done on T-shirts, mugs, books, pictures, among others. Regardless of the media, what matters is the happiness that is linked to this new title.
21. Visual metaphors: using other elements to represent family members and expecting a baby is a rather delicate way of saying "I'm pregnant." In addition to attracting news recipients, the idea can provide eye-catching photos to keep as a souvenir. The idea is to think about the elements that refer to the size of development and the child (baked cake, peas that represent the size of the lifestyle) with the idea of pregnancy (when you can add a thumbnail of the selected element in a mother's life) or referring to the babies themselves (baby bottles, pacifiers, pregnancy cards).
22. underwear:
represents the arrival of a child through clothes and shoes is quite common to renew this idea can be combined with children's clothes parents clothes and create a Clothesline with clothes of all family members. Another idea is to invest in custom t-shirts. 23. "Upload":
the term "loading" is a great way to illustrate the expectation. It can be added to photo books, t-shirts or bellies. The result is a lot of fun and the idea can be easily reproduced. 24. Chronology:
photographing family timeline is a simple way to record the wait. The chronological photo can only contain the birth years of each family member and a visual representation of them (legs, for example) or with parents and siblings who have signs with that year, and the mother who has a plaque with the year of birth of the future child in front his belly. 25. Hidden room:
no doubt spontaneity is the word that defines this idea. Hiding a camera and filming grandparents of the future father of the future and future, uncles and older siblings is a very special way to capture this moment, and makes a lot of laughter and excitement for the audience. 26. Watchdog:
use pets to announce the pregnancy is also a great idea, he somehow already part of the family and with the arrival of a child, will occupy the "office" of the guard dog or older brother. The result of the photos is fun and unique, because the expressions of the dogs are unpredictable. 27. Pink or blue? :
Along with the pregnancy announcement comes the famous question: will it be a boy or a girl? Use this color reference, which is related to the sex of the baby through a convention, and the typical curiosity that accompanies the first months of pregnancy is a simple and subtle alternative to reveal the expectation of a baby. You can use colors in balloons, cake decorations, cookies and other goods, among other ideas. For couples who have two children, a boy and a boy, an idea is to invest in the family's "tiebreaker". Use your creativity and choose where to use the colors and how to use this tradition in your favor!
28. Food for two:
Another way to communicate with friends and family is to wait for the idea that the pregnant woman is eating two people. You can take funny pictures with the expression "eat for two", personalize a shirt with sayings or even literally create this scene and record it in a photo. 29. Size of a pea:
A creative way to tell her husband the news of the pregnancy is to say that she will prepare a "special dinner" for him and serve it with just a pea. Of course, he will be confused by the situation and will ask you why the unique pea, so you can say that it represents the current size of your child. Subtlety, ease and creativity in one idea! The food chosen depends on the number of weeks of gestation. With 5 weeks it is possible to use a sesame, with 6 lentil grains and so on. The peas correspond to a seven-week gestation.
As with other ideas, this is an expression option that can be used as you prefer: on T-shirts, books, books, among others. "Baby on board" is a great option for those who prefer to get to a point. With creativity it is possible to create cool photos and capture those who receive the news in a simple and objective way. No matter what your favorite idea was the most important thing is to inspire the above tips, abuse your creativity and make this moment is already so important, even more special for you and the people you love the most. !
Sobota, May 26, 2012
Podpiwek z bzu lilaku
Tej wiosny już po raz czwarty "nastawiłam" podpiwek z białego lilaku. Zaczynałam nieśmiało od litrowego garnuszka, w tej chwili fermentują sobie 3 dziesięciolitrowe wiadra tej ambrozji i takiej samej pojemności gar. Do podpiwku nadaje się nie tylko bez, można uzyć także płatków dzikiej róży lub jaśminu.
Podpiwek wybywa z lodówki tak szybko, że obawiam się, iz tych wiader starczy zaledwie na kilka dni. A jest naprawdę pyszny: kwiatowy, słodko-kwaśny, orzeźwiający, lekko szczypiący w język, troszkę alkoholowy. W smaku przypomina tzw. "szampan", który w latach 80-tych można było nabyć w szklanych, pękatych butelkach takich samych jak śmietana, zamykanych "kapslem" z twardej folii aluminiowej. Pamiętacie taki przysmak?
Wg mnie jest to znakomita alternatywa dla wszelkich słodkich przemysłowych napojów. Polecam go wszystkim tym, którzy nie tykają tego chemicznego paskudztwa, a przecież nie samą wodą człowiek żyje (czy jakoś tak).
Proporcje na 5 l podpiwku (uprzedzam, że mniej absolutnie nie opłaca się produkować)
Syrop cukrowy w stężeniu 1:10 (czyli w naszym przypadku 500g cukru na 5l wody)
Sok z 1 cytryny (może być więcej)
Minimum 10 kwiatostanów lilaku
25g drożdży piekarskich
Kwiatostany należy zebrać świeże, nieprzekwitnięte, najlepiej zrobić to w suchy słoneczny dzień, kiedy bez ma najbardziej intensywny zapach.
Cukier rozpuszczamy we wrzaącej wodzie, syrop studzimy do temperatury pokojowej i namaczamy w nim kwiaty bzu na 2-3 doby. Po usunięciu kwiatów dodajemy sok z cytryny i pokruszone drożdże. Po kolejnych 3 dniach podpiwek zamykamy w butelkach, ale takich, które nie niosą za sobą zagrożenia wybuchem. Gdy napój będzie leciutko bąbelkować, jest to znak, że jest już gotowy do spożycia. Należy wtedy butelki umieścić w lodówce, aby wyhamować proces fermentacji, a napój nie zrobił się zbyt kwaśny. Poza tym schłodzony kwas smakuje bosko.
Wielu miłych, ciepłych wieczorów o smaku kwiatowego podpiwku życzy Cookie Monster:)